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Campbell told about 1,000 delegates Saturday at the B.C. Liberal Party's convention that banning smoking is one way his government plans to improve the health of British Columbians and reduce health costs.

The public smoking ban will take effect in 2008, giving businesses and institutions time for implementation, Campbell said.

"We're not talking about what people can do in their homes, nor what people can do in their hotel rooms," he said. "But the time has come to put an end to smoking in indoor public spaces in British Columbia."


About bloddy time. I work in a Community Gaming Center as a tech and I got to walk through these "smoking rooms" sometimes. More like a nicotine hot box.

Will piss tons of people off though. :lol:
Ontario is still intact after enacting the "Smoke Free Ontario Act" earlier this year. I'm sure B.C. will do just as well ;)

You guys out west will survive don't worry. All the belly aching will die down once its actually in place.
Plus if BC residents complain more about it they can run the same add's they do here in Ontario about how people who don't smoke hate working in smoking enviroments.
Saskatchewan has been fine after we enacted the public smoking ban. thinks its was in 2000 or something like that.
Right on, the more bans the better......... smoking sucks, one of the stupidest and most unhealthy things a person can do to themselves. The healthcare costs for people with cancer from smoking, etc (other smoke related illnesses) is insane, it's a huge huge HUGE cost to the government considering it can easily be prevented. People that choose to smoke can pay for their own damn healthcare, then maybe they will get enough brains to know it's not good for you.

Congrats BC, hopefully many more will follow.....
^^ X2, I agree with everyone else here apparently. Even in a small city like North Bay, not ONE business has gone under after the smoking ban went in place.

And I've said that before, too about the smokers paying their own way. I still don't see how they think it doesn't harm themselves. :blink:
Well sure, the reason being, sure some MAY choose not to go anymore if they can't smoke, but the multiple other people that NEVER WENT TO BEGIN WITH due to the smoking, are going out now.....

Big deal, go have your smoke outside, if you have a problem with that, you got a big issue. The whole thing about businesses going under is a complete joke. The bars here in town are still just as busy, if not more busy because more people are going due to the 'no smoking inside' thing and as far as bingo halls and whatever are concerned, since that apparently is a big problem when it comes to smoking, good riddance, those people in there (most) should keep their money for necessities, rather then gambling it away.
Should ban alcohol & gambling while were at it.
I can't tell you how enjoyable it is to be able ot goto a bar and actually sit AT THE BAR and have a beer and watch the game without asshat smoking in my face.

You guys in BC will love this!
Yeah it's damn nice going out and coming home and not smelling like an ashtray........

That a BIG REASON why alot of people didn't go to the bars, etc and a big reason why they do now.
Flofocus,Nov 6 2006, 01:56 PM Wrote:Should ban alcohol & gambling while were at it.

Go for it, I don't drink and if I saved the $6/wk I voluntarily spend on 6/49 and Super 7... I'd be saving over $300/yr. :D
There is 80% tax on smokes do you really think that health care costs are an issue. They could ban smoking in public places, but they will never ban smoking.
n/m all that....they still got the best chronic :)

not that im a smoker
D-Dub,Nov 6 2006, 06: Wrote:There is 80% tax on smokes do you really think that health care costs are an issue.  They could ban smoking in public places, but they will never ban smoking.

Damn right they are, do you have any idea how much cancer treatment for 'smokers' actually costs?!?!? Not to mention other smoking related problems. My god, you can't be that dense............
S2,Nov 7 2006, 09:29 AM Wrote:
D-Dub,Nov 6 2006, 06: Wrote:There is 80% tax on smokes do you really think that health care costs are an issue.  They could ban smoking in public places, but they will never ban smoking.

Damn right they are, do you have any idea how much cancer treatment for 'smokers' actually costs?!?!? Not to mention other smoking related problems. My god, you can't be that dense............


Dom, I'm suorised with your views on this. :0
Smoke, drink eat and enjoy life.
Quit bitchin about paying other people's way and how I hate smoking.
Bitch bitch bitch.

You are a bunch of winey bitches.
The dense person is probobly you, because you should be asking yourself a question and that question is why they havent banned smoke all together. Theres a reason behind everything.................

I know some people are going to hate me for this, but you have to see it from a real point of view.

Im not saying its good to smoke, sure its bad for your health and all, but think about it 80% tax for smokes? do you really think that they need it for health care ...........let me break it down:

Say you smoke 1 pack a day and the price is $9 per pack and $7.2 should be going for health care. Let just say you smoke for 15 years 7.2x365x15= $39,420 towards health care. Then one day you say f*** it and you quit $39,420 goes towards health care because of your bad habit or DOES IT?, if it doesnt then it goes towards something else . Say somebody gets sick because of smoking for 15 years, there $39402 goes towards helping them recover and say the other guy that smoked and never got sick his $39402 is used if the other guys expenses exceed $39,420.

If you think about it, if you smoke till you die and never get sick the government makes a killing off you, and if you do get sick the government has lots and lots of money to help you out. You need to remember that if you smoke its doesnt mean that you will automaticaly die it just increases your risk of cancer or other deseases.

AND yes I do understand that some people get sick from second hand smoke and its bad because its not there choice, hence why the goverment wants to you to smoke outside, beacause they are losing money that they use to pay more for health care.

My main point is, I bet you out of that 80% they tax us on smokes 10% is really for health care.
^^ perhaps but a dollar is a dollar, wherever it's coming from, a many dollar is going to health care for 'easily preventable' diseases like lung cancer due to smoking.

That money would be much better spent on practically everything else the government funds rather then someone's own weakness to a drug (for the lack of a better word) which is causing/caused them the disease. It's still a smokers choice to smoke and I guarentee, when your strung up in the cancer ward, you'll be wishing you NEVER smoked a cigarette in your life. Trust me.....
Flofocus,Nov 6 2006, 02:56 PM Wrote:Should ban alcohol.

Prohibition came and died, it can do it again!
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