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So I'm watching XXX: State of the Union starring Ice Cube and Defoe...and boy am I glad I didn't pay for this movie.... I've never seen such chud in my life.

Which brings up the question...

which is the worst movie you've ever seen??

XXX-2 is pretty close to taking bottom honors for me... will see how Doom stacks up later...
From Justin to Kelly

That's right ... i watched it

or Get Carter
Manos: The Hands of Fate
Freddy Got Fingered
my personal porno of dans mom

and anything that my wife likes
DOOM was awesome.. totally hilarious. Ice Cube is great at making bad movies lately, Torque was awful but funny.

But then again I usually search out the worst possible movies for humor's sake.
bluetoy,Feb 11 2006, 07:27 PM Wrote:Duel

Dennis Weaver Rules!!!!!!
Vote #2 for Duel
gone with the wind
Cry Wolf. Worst "horror" movie ever.

1. PG14 movie posted as a horror.
2. Bon Jovi is in the movie.
3. 2 people die. That's it. Some horror movie.
4. Too facking long.
5. Dumb storyline and confusing.
6. No frontal nudity. :(

However there were a few good points about this movie.

1. Out of the two people who die, Bon Jovi is one of them.
2. Actually i lied, there's only one good part. Bon Jovi dead was the best part.
Anything with that English guy in it, the guy who got caught with the crack whore.

EDIT: Its Hugh Grant I am thinking of

EDIT2: Anything with Melalnie Griffin


Cabin Boy
Worst movie I have ever seen was Dirty Love. Usually I like flicks with a bunch of naked hot chicks in it, but this movie was just terrible and I had to turn it off.
The Royal Tenembaums!
Rocky 5....such a wastefull end to such a great thing.
home movie of me and my ex-wife
-Robojox! Rent it, it's so terrible it's funny!
-War of the worlds with Stupid Tom Cruise, Killing the classics.
-City of angels with Nic Cage. The ending was stupid.
-Cast-away, why play this crap on a home theater, there's no sound for 1hour!
-Taxi, with Latifa. The original Taxi was made in france in 1998, and it didn't suck! I own all three, the last one was made in 2002. The taxi is a white peugeot 406.
-The fast and furious 1 & 2, holly crap these sucks, this prouves that ricers have no brains!
-Hulk....what can I say :lol:
-Dare devil and Electra, if I was 12 I would still hate it!
Back to the futre III

I mean C'mon. A delorian being pulled by Horses a la Wild West fashion.



Dying Young. I tried to watch this drivel four times, couldn't stay awake past the one hour mark. I want to punch Julia Roberts in the face.

Clockwork Orange.

I know a lot of ppl liked it, but for me, it was a sad attempt at a psychological thriller.....and I think it even won AWARDS!!

Another Academy award winner that I think sucked....The English Patient......No beginning, middle, or end. No story sequence at all really.

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