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Hey all, my name is Andrew. I have a 2003 Focus ZX3 with assorted mods. I am originally from Canada, but currently live in Kentucky, USA. (No, I'm not a hick). I often come to Toronto (actually, Burlington) to visit family, so I figured next time I come up to visit, I could meet up with some Focus owners.

Here are some pics of my car:
[Image: pict00018oz.jpg]
[Image: pict00021os.jpg]
[Image: pict00038kr.jpg]
[Image: pict00087iw.jpg]

Where's Ontario?

And where's Burlington?
meford4u,Feb 2 2006, 02:13 AM Wrote:welcome

Where's Ontario?

And where's Burlington?
I have no idea? I think somewhere on the west coast? ;)
oh how quaint, you're in the US and there is graffiti all over the walls :D Sure looks warm though.

Welcome to the board and try not to take anything too personal.

Oh and be prepared to hear everyone tell you to lower your car, or is that a no no in Texas?
lol, with all the 4x4s around here, my car fits right in. I actually have progress lowering springs and progress rsb waiting to go on this Sunday. So I will have to update my pics.

I am still a Canadian citizen, its just that when I was younger, my dad transfered to the States. I am ready to come back, lol.
drew03zx3,Feb 2 2006, 02:23 AM Wrote:lol, with all the 4x4s around here, my car fits right in. I actually have progress lowering springs and progress rsb waiting to go on this Sunday. So I will have to update my pics.

I am still a Canadian citizen, its just that when I was younger, my dad transfered to the States. I am ready to come back, lol.

Did you vote? and if so was it for Harper? :D

No, lol. I am a terrible Canadian citizen, and a terrible American.
nass,Feb 1 2006, 09:27 PM Wrote:
drew03zx3,Feb 2 2006, 02:23 AM Wrote:lol, with all the 4x4s around here, my car fits right in. I actually have progress lowering springs and progress rsb waiting to go on this Sunday. So I will have to update my pics.

I am still a Canadian citizen, its just that when I was younger, my dad transfered to the States. I am ready to come back, lol.

Did you vote? and if so was it for Harper? :D



My whole mom's side lives in Burlington, like within 3 blocks of each other.
My cousins drive a blue s-10 dropped with chrome rims and a black chevy cavy.

Anyone here from Brampton? Its where I lived until I was 8. I don't really remember it much, lol.
drew03zx3,Feb 1 2006, 10:35 PM Wrote:Thanks.

Anyone here from Brampton? Its where I lived until I was 8. I don't really remember it much, lol.

I live in Mississauga which as you may remember is just south of Brampton. I go there occasionally for meetings and such (and I always flee as fast as I can from there :P) I kid, I kid :D

Welcome to the board :)


Here's the real test...
Which hockey team are you cheering for in the upcoming Olympics?
Canada all the way! lol. However, if USA plays someone other than Canada, I suppose i would cheer for them.

Also, Leafs are my team. Despite having nothing to do here, they do have a hockey rink. I play stick and puck every now and then, but there aren't enough people to start any leagues....booring.
Hope to see you around lots!

Welcome Drew, I'm from Brampton and I'm the only yellow sedan owner here...... like the 2002+ facelift lights. I have the ST170's on my car plus a complete front euro face lift on my car currently.
Welcome Andrew and congratulations on passing the hockey test.

Did you paint the wheels on your car or is that just the lighting?

I painted them a bronze color.
Welcome Andrew.

There is a lot of helpful people here. Tons of knowledge.

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