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Who gets your vote and why?

Me, it's Harper. I like the 2% of the GST, cheaper foci parts :P
euro,Jan 18 2006, 12:13 AM Wrote:Who gets your vote and why?

Me, it's Harper. I like the 2% of the GST, cheaper foci parts :P

Wow! Another election thread!

Put my 2c in.... Liberal all the way. NDP's plan is full of holes, and I in no way agree with Harper's social values. I support my mom's right to marry her same-sex partner.
who ever can put more $$$ on my cheaque casue I loose a thousand a week to federal tax I would like some of that so I can feed my family. I have no problem helping ppl who are down on there luck but even luck changes and anything over 6-12 months get your a$$ out the door and work but I do like the idea of ppl making up there own minds about who they want to marry so I have a problem can somebody point me in teh right direction or give me the COLES notes on this election
Inb4dalok!!! :1lockd:

Please also correct Gilles Duceppe's name. We don't want to confuse the french population. :lol:
lets all vote for the Video Professor
[Image: JohnSideHome.jpg]
Bumped the other one.