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what do some geeks do when they're fortunate enough to get an xbox on opening day?

they buy one, then smash it in front of the lineup of hardcore fanboys waiting in line to buy one themselves

[Image: smx1.jpg]

Gotta love some retards who have more money than they should.
darkpuppet,Nov 22 2005, 11:10 PM Wrote:what do some geeks do when they're fortunate enough to get an xbox on opening day?

they buy one, then smash it in front of the lineup of hardcore fanboys waiting in line to buy one themselves

and then they go home and use their PS2 until PS3 comes along next year :)
Sony sucks :lol: If they're stupid enough to break the XBOX, they must have a Sony to go home to. :P

But anyways, that's pretty retarded. I would have loved to own one of those.
CanadaSVT,Nov 23 2005, 03:34 AM Wrote:
darkpuppet,Nov 22 2005, 11:10 PM Wrote:what do some geeks do when they're fortunate enough to get an xbox on opening day?

they buy one, then smash it in front of the lineup of hardcore fanboys waiting in line to buy one themselves

and then they go home and use their PS2 until PS3 comes along next year :)

just heard PS3 might not come out till 2007. suckers
in a way its the end its just an xbox. I'm not sure what they are trying to accomplish by that other than making people feel bad.
That is filmed in Canada. Some city with a subway system. Toronto maybe??

I watched the "smashmyipod" video.
If you go to the site, you'll see that yes it was in Toronto, and the money for the 360 was all donated online by people who wanted to see it get smashed up. So he didn't waste his own money.

That doesn't make it smart though!
I'd watch it if I could get the damn site to load.
FocusGuy7476,Nov 22 2005, 11:23 PM Wrote:just heard PS3 might not come out till 2007. suckers

where'd you hear that? The Fanboy Daily News™?

that's purely speculation based on Sony's previous policy of releasing the consoles in Japan first, then North America a year later. And I doubt they'd be that stupid.
DanielB_ZX3,Nov 23 2005, 01:28 PM Wrote:If you go to the site, you'll see that yes it was in Toronto, and the money for the 360 was all donated online by people who wanted to see it get smashed up. So he didn't waste his own money.

That doesn't make it smart though!

I would make a "fake" 360 that was just a case or something keep the real 360 for myself smash the fake one make the internet fuktards happy then go home and play my 260 in my underwear while eating cheetos

MOM! I'M PLAYING XBOX 360!!! leave me alone!
Its a pretty nice machine.. I bought project gotham racing 3 and the game is gorgeous on a widescreen hdtv.. the inside car view looks great.. you can even see that the windshield is dirty :P

I rented Gun and NHL 2k6 and Gun is a pretty good game.. the big difference that I noticed in there were the character movement was alot better in all those games compared to previous gen machines.. their lips move the same way the words would come out (or very close) .. and the details in the levels.. all textures look incredible and objects in general (the horse for example)

same with NHL, now they have footage between goals and stuff with the Fans screaming.. and showing pointing their senators jersey or whatever at the camera..

I don't regret getting one.. or should I say, 2 ;) The better games will come soon .. same with the xbox and ps2.. the games became so much better looking and alot more could be done with just more time on the machines compared to the "launch" games etc...

Must've been funny with all the people watching.. (i haven't seen the video)
I finally got on the site... it wasn't that big a deal, and they were hugeass wimps if that's all the damage they could do with one swing of a sledge.

I've played the EB demo more than a few times, and as glossy and pretty as the eye candy is, I can't help but feel it's a tad lacking in the overall responsiveness department.

That's just me tho.