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Man this movie was nothing like i thought it would be, but i thought it was awsome!

More of a reality/documentary, comedy then anything else.

Any buddy else see it?
so what u saying is you recomend watching it or no?
I'm waiting till it's on DVD...
FociPhil,Nov 10 2005, 02:23 PM Wrote:More of a reality/documentary, comedy then anything else.[right][snapback]154887[/snapback][/right]
Did the U.S. military get credit for helping out with the production? If "yes" odds are it's not very realistic - they demand script approval and won't approve anything that's remotely critical of the U.S. gov or military. Not that this makes it not worth seeing, just about putting it in context.
*Puts on asbestos underwear, grabs marshmallow-toasting stick* :ph34r:
I haven't seen it, but I'm guessing just an 1.5 hour commercial to sign up for the ARMY. Any girls in there singing "ymra eht nioj"?
The movie is based of the book and memoirs of Anthony Swarfford, who was in the gulf war.

The thing is, im sure most people wont like it, its not like "Saving Private Ryan"...but once i got the concept behind it, i liked it alot.

I think what made me see it was the Kanye West song to be truthful.
Yeah I've read several reviews on it, for the most part they were negative. I'll rent it later.....
I really liked it. It show's that in the army your train to kill and sometimes in the war you never use your weapon. Well, I really like it.
saw it the other nite... its a good movie
I liked it ... I havent gone to see a movie in ages but I made an effort to go see this one...

Im an army junkie type of person though so maybe im bias... I agree with what focusonthis says...

And no military approval that I know of .. a lot of the movie wouldnt have been allowed to have been filmed if there was.