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Full Version: Our Newest Canadian Forces Cf-18 Pilot
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[Image: Wheres20me20jet.jpg]

[Image: Thumbs20up.jpg]

[Image: Mike20Smith20and20Tom20Cochrane.jpg]
Lol sweet. Bubbles rulz!
yeah if that's not an add for the show I don't know what is.
Holy Fack! That's sooo awesome. Do you have blown up pics of this?
I don't watch the show and I found that funny as hell :D
now I can finally go to sleep knowing that Bubbles is on the job protecting us.

Laterz :)
That is hilarious! Smoke one for me Bubbles and go fast & high! B)
Thank god it is Bubbles, I thought for a minute they had put Slimsride in an airplane!

^^^ are you saying that i don't know how to fly? I don't but i think thats besides the point.
:lol: Bubbles Rulez!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
BUbBl35 f0 LyF3 y0!!1!
Nice! Go Bubblez Go!
Saw the ad on 22minutes for his appearance. Can't wait to see it.
Oscar The Grouch,Nov 4 2005, 08:37 PM Wrote:Saw the ad on 22minutes for his appearance.  Can't wait to see it.

when? on the tube????? i'm at the 22 minute webpage...and they don't have it listed yet