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Full Version: Freakin' Door Panels
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Okay, seems like i have a Bazillion questions i know, but like i said before i wanna get some knowledge prior to doing any work, so it's done right the first time and avoid costly boo boo's.

anyhow, i tried to remove my door panels this weekend, to see how the speakers are hooked up also to see the size of them, and get an idea of how to hook up new ones. Is there something i'm missing besides the 9 torx screws (i think it's 9) and removing the interior part of the side view mirror. I didn't want to bust anything in the process, so i stopped before anything snapped?

Thanks in advance.

I know my car their are some screws and clips that hold it in plus u got to push up and then pull back to get em out but that's my tempo. Trying pushing up and then pull outward. just see if u can see behind the panel and notice and clips.
i belive there is 2 bolts behind the handles(remove the trim), and something like 6 other torx around the door, and another behind a little hidden thing behind the handle pull thing to open the door, then the mirror thing is just clips..and for speaker size, i believe it's 5x7's (at least 00-04) and it's 4 bolts to hold it in, then a factory clip to the speaker. I'll look for a how to as i believe i've seen one before

Edit: if your like the 00-04, use this, and i'm sure it's relatively the same for the 05's
Excellent INFO, although i have electric windows, i'm sure it's bascially the same

again, thanks.

it's the same, other than having to pop the window off..and be sure to be careful of wires!