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Full Version: Buddy Shoots Car Alarm
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To funny, make sure your car alarms are in good workin order everyone and whenever it goes off shut if off right away :lol:
a toyota camry with a car alarm??? :wtf:
How long was this alarm going off for. and why didn't the owner come disarm it. And really 2 bullets, one into the gas tank the other to ignite the now pouring gas :D
Phantom,Aug 12 2005, 06:34 PM Wrote:How long was this alarm going off for. and why didn't the owner come disarm it. And really 2 bullets, one into the gas tank the other to ignite the now pouring gas :D


but why use a gun? get the sledgehammer out.. at least you wouldn't have gun charges :P
fine...... Rag and matches. I wanna see flames :D, Sledgehammer as much fun as that would be would not put out the alarm, now car going KA-BOOOM would.
go rent a tank from the local armoury and make it a speed bump :lol:
Kool_ZX3,Aug 12 2005, 06:04 PM Wrote:

To funny, make sure your car alarms are in good workin order everyone and whenever it goes off shut if off right away  :lol:

Not surprised this happened in CA... With The Governator running things it's shoot first and screw the questions! :rolleyes: :rofl:

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