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Went out to a 24 supermarket tonight at 02:00 a.m. When I got there, I see a dark SUV with what looks like two security camera housings bolted to the roof pointing in each direction. It had flashing diodes on them and it slowly made it's way between the cars and stopped occasionally at particular vehicles.
Does anyone know what it was scanning for? Isn't this an invasion of privacy?
I remember reading an article (mighta been here, or in the paper) about a system that (I think) Peel police were using where they can scan the plates of cars and compare against a stolen car database. They cruise the malls etc and have caught a decent number of lifted cars. Coulda been that.
stolen car databses.
I see regular cop cars with these on them all the time
Thats pretty awesome.
peeping tom-r-us
We have the Toronto SWAT SUV's now too. Coulda been that.

They are black and are dark dark tinted, darker then limo. I see them every once and a while downtown.

The only reason I know they were swat is because I saw the back open on one, the inside was gutted and it was all reinforced metal, and seats along the sides (feet to the middle) and had guys sitting there with huge guns.
That would explain it... yup.
What is the canadian SWAT team called anyway.
and CSIS is the Canadian FBI?
CSIS is the equivelant of the FBI however the differ in the fact that the have no policing powers... They are strictly there to collect. analyse, retain, and disseminate info to concerned ministries of the Canadian Gov. And yes they are somewhat of a J/K

RCMP is more of the OPP and FBI rolled into one... thats how I look at it.
Why can't they change the name of the RCMP? Maybe even drop the "M"... it's so out of date...