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Full Version: You Might Want To Check.. Water Under Valve Cover
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So the dealer says I need new wires, plugs & ignition coil at 45,000km. Reason: corrosion. Reason: water under the valve cover. That would expalin the loss of power/hesitation/stumbling -- it wasn't the fuel pump (recalled) after all

I decided to get my hands dirty today, so with the help of my trusty Haynes Manual I set to work to see if I could cleanup it up and save me some money (Ford quoted $546+tax for new spark-plugs, wires, and coilpack). What I found was shocking .. and it might be worth checking yours if you haven't recently 'cos it might end up ruining your electrical system as well.

I started by pulling the spark-plug wires from the coilpack (nothing unusual there). Then I pulled each plug-wire boot up out of the valve cover. Underneath, THEY WERE YELLOW. Then I looked inside under the valve cover and down into the spark-plug wells. Yellow 'rusty-water residue' and a couple of millimeters of WATER POOLED AROUND THE SPARK-PLUGS. :blink: :o

Yes, the entire area - top to bottom was covered in yellow --- which indicates to me that at some point in time the entire thing must have been FULL of water?? No wonder the Ford Tech was convinced I'd had an engine shampoo or put the hose-pipe on the engine -- which I can say with 100% certainty has NEVER happened. Yes, I've driven through some pretty heavy rain storms, but for the plug-wires' boots to not seal sufficiently and allow that much moisture inside is just astounding.

On top of that, there were numerous sycamore seeds ('propellers') down there in the spark-plug wells. How the hell did they get in there?? I've owner the car since it was new and am the only driver, and never had the spark-plug wires out for more than 2 minutes when I checked the plug type shortly after I bought the car.

Anyhow, I cleaned everything off and the wires at least visually appear ok, the spark-plugs had a lot of corrosion on the thread-portion and the insulator and electrodes were slightly carbon-fouled but otherwise in good shape.

I ended up pulling the entire valve cover off and giving everything a good clean using strips of paper towel to absorb the moisture, a damp toothbrush to get rid of all the yellow and a vacuum to suck up all the dust and residue. I put it all back together and figured I'd look at the coil tomorrow (as it was getting dark and I was hungry). But before I went inside, I tried starting her up to see if it had improved the situation - but now the car won't even start!

Maybe I didn't push the wire-boots down far enough? Or forgot to re-attach something..

To be continued tomorrow.. :D
i feel for ya man, i wonder how all this had happened... well the first thing that comes to mind is that it's a FORD, so it's prone to having issues like these!!! but hope everything goes well and keep up updated.
Same thing happened to me before 50,000km.
2001 ZTS,Apr 13 2005, 07:14 AM Wrote:Same thing happened to me before 50,000km.


I noticed rust in there 2 years ago.
I also changed my wires last fall and had noticed that the old ones where covered in a rusty coloured powder. I've never washed under my hood, I wipe it clean with a damp cloth but thats it. I don't remember seeing any pooling water in ther but I'll look again tonight. I've owned the car almost from new, and nobody else but me cleans it. Must be moister build up, but those plugs fit tight.

Reviving this from the dead. This was my problem and I see lots of people had the same issue.

What did you guys have to buy new?

I'm off to the dealership tonight toget new wires and plugs.....just wondering if I need a new coil pack??
Thats crazy... how is it even possible for water.... and seeds! to get into those holes. when i did the plugs on the zx3 the wires were in there so tight nothing could get in or out.
scoobasteve,Aug 23 2005, 10:20 AM Wrote:Thats crazy... how is it even possible for water.... and seeds! to get into those holes.  when i did the plugs on the zx3 the wires were in there so tight nothing could get in or out.

I'm really not sure. :blink:

At 1st I thought it was my cleaning technique.....but honestly, I am so anal with cleaning my engine bay I cant see how water got in there. I use a garbage bag to cover the valve cover, and grocery bags to cover the Coil pack, MAF wiring, and any other wires expsed.....after the wash, I use an air compressor to get rid of the water. And honestly, when I take off the garbe bag off the valve cover, the valve cover is dry as hell. I then proceed to use a spray bottle and degreaser to clean the cover....I dont see 3 inches of water buidling up from a spray bottle <_<

And seeds :blink: How the hell did Daniel get seeds int here????

And the engine has only been cleaned once this year....over 3 months ago :blink:

but technically wouldnt that burn off when the engine's hot?
scoobasteve,Aug 23 2005, 10:41 AM Wrote:Condensation?

but technically wouldnt that burn off when the engine's hot?

Condesation....maybe but 3 inches of pooled water in each spark plug cylinder????

when I stopped and took out the plugs, the water was steaming out....almost like smoke, but it was def steam.

Anybody want some steamed hotdogs? :o :huh: :ph34r:
The water wouldnt burn off .. its in an inclosed area so whatever turns into steam will just turn back into water as soon as it cools down.

Still strange though..... Isnt there a lip around the valve cover where the plug wires go in ..... I guess that doesnt do the trick...
tdot-zx3,Aug 23 2005, 03: Wrote:The water wouldnt burn off .. its in an inclosed area so whatever turns into steam will just turn back into water as soon as it cools down.

Still strange though..... Isnt there a lip around the valve cover where the plug wires go in ..... I guess that doesnt do the trick...

The only thing that would prevent them is the rubber around the sparkplugs....

Youd think those would work though :blink:
Make sure when you put you valve cover you torque the bolts because if not you will pinch the gasket and it wll leak. I know it happened to me!!
heres a trick.
Slide a rubber O ring around the top of the wire boot before installation. Press the wires on the plug and roll the ring down to the Valve cover.
Presto sealed.
Pics to follow!!!
I had the the same thing. I noticed this the frist time I washed my engine bay 3 years ago. I always pull the plug wires off after every wash and every now and so. if the car is going to be parked over a long weekend.