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Full Version: Warranty Void?
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ok guys, i need some expert advice. I was just talking to my ford dealership today, about if i were to put on aftermarket parts, to the engine (air intake, headers, s**t like that) and what they had told me what that if i were to put that onto my car, it can void my extended warranty, which cost me a nice little penny. Now what i'm asking you is if this is true, can they really deny you warranty because of aftermarket parts?
yes it does void your warranty but Ford had to prove that item in fact was the reason.
If you installed a cold air intake and your strut blows then ya your covered still. If you install a CAI and suck up a bunch of water and seaze the engine then ya your screwed.

Ford likes to scare ppl. LOL look at my car for example. Ford told me my warranty was voided but I goto the other dealorship and I have no problems at all.
exaclty ford has the onus of proving that whatever item u add is the cause of the problem. If the advisor says otherwise he is lieing. Ford cannot deny your warranty unless it in fact is your fault.
i think anytime you modify your vehicle you are taking a chance as to whether warranty will or will not cover you.. its really up to the dealers' discretion i think whenever there is any type of modification involved

i personally didn't start to mod until the warranty was up


naz,Mar 20 2005, 03:59 PM Wrote:i think anytime you modify your vehicle you are taking a chance as to whether warranty will or will not cover you.. its really up to the dealers' discretion i think whenever there is any type of modification involved

i personally didn't start to mod until the warranty was up

It's only up to the dealers discretion to a certain extent.

If a dealer ever tells you your warranty is void due to a certain part, ask for it in writing!

I was told my MAFS was void at 20,000kms because of a K&N filter. I said "sure thing, can I get that in writing please?". Instead, they just replaced it.

I've got tons of mods, and also purchased the extended warranty. Parts that alter a certain part of the car obviously void the warranty.

It also comes down to the fact whether or not you have a good relationship with the dealer.

I've been told my brake rotors were a "ware item" and I'd have to pay for them out of my pocket. Went to a different dealer in a different city - sure no problem, thats covered under warranty.

Unfortuntaely there isn't much consistency between Ford dealers when it comes down to warranty related items due to aftermarket parts. If you have a friend in the service/parts department, that could help you out big time.
Its the dealers discretion...My 99 Cobra was modded to the tits...and my Ford Dealership still put things through warrenty...develope a good relationship with a dealer and you will be surprised what they can do for you.
Bizness,Mar 20 2005, 08:41 PM Wrote:...develope a good relationship with a dealer and you will be surprised what they can do for you.

Best advice evar. Working very well for me.