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My shorty antenna has come a little loose because I may have stripped the threads a little. I know that electricity travels through metal surfaces but if I put a bit of pipe dope on the antenna will it cut out my radio station signal?
Don't know but I can definately tell you it is NOT the stupidest question asked on Focus Canada tonight. :lol:


Which part is a bit stripped? Antenna or base?

Maybe try a tap and die? Or if a buddy has a heli coil kit try that. It's a bit more work, but its not as ghetto, but we are only talking about a antenna here.

Antenna and base are both super cheap to replace either way.
Well I got up off my fat ass and went to do an experiment. Apparently dope tape has no affect on signal strength so my problem is fixed. Thanks to all with their insightful comments.
2001 ZTS,Jan 25 2005, 02:27 AM Wrote:Don't know but I can definately tell you it is NOT the stupidest question asked on Focus Canada tonight. :lol:

can i guess through the looking glass?