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Full Version: Am I Screwed?
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So I was washing the car last weekend and noticed some rust forming under the window ledge of my driverside door. It's where the clips for the trim clip into the holes in the steel. Under further inspection, further down the door under the mirror, the paint is getting these fine little bubbles. Just like the last time. I then thought to myself, OH CRAP!!! That's EXACTLY the same place it rusted out the last time (I've had this door redone already last summer) So I called the bodyshop that did the work.

The lady told me they don't gurantee against rust. My reaction was IT WAS LAST SUMMER FOR PETES SAKE. So I made an appointment to go in and show them this rust I'm now chasing around my car.

It's definately not due to poor maintinance, anyone who has ever seen my car knows that it's always spotless. I was and dry properly evry weekend, both winter and summer.

Do you think I have a case here or am I just kidding myself?
As Papa would say...should have bought a Saturn! ;)
was there a warranty with the painjob? If so, bubbling due to rust and whatnot could very well be a legitimate warranty claim.

i think ur f**ked...go out and look for a new door.
bring a gun with you to "talk" :ph34r:
If they won't fix it, I'l just pull the trim back and drop some silicone into the hole where the rust is.

I'm sure the problem is caused by water sitting in this hole.
Hmm .. already back .. thats shitty.

Which problably means, they did a shitty job and didnt remove all the rust, so it continued to spread.

Not to uncommon with body shops now a days.
tdot-zx3,Jul 28 2004, 05:27 PM Wrote:Hmm .. already back .. thats shitty.

Which problably means, they did a shitty job and didnt remove all the rust, so it continued to spread.

Not to uncommon with body shops now a days.
Considering this is the dealer that fixed this.

I figured the Dealer of all places would have done an acceptable job.
depends who they have working on it that day .. that moment .. how he feels.

If you get the least bit lazy and leave a spot, even if its like a millimeter by a millimeter...

Rust will be back in no time.
I`d be making a case for it. Regardless of whether or not they warranty their work, if the job was done properly, the rust should not have reoccured. You can slap them with a substandard workmanship claim, and if all else fails, call Peter Silverman or Global Moneywise