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Full Version: Saw this yesterday and laughed
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I saw a license plate yesterday that said.......


then the car in front of it had a lecense that read....


laff it up.
Pssh... can't hear you. Too busy fishing from my cabin dock while enjoying a campfire and all of the meatgrinder gerbils have gone home for the year. :p
Now Adam, your story is all lies and mine is true.

You live in a subdivision. I live on a 7 acre pond/lake where I can fish from my back yard(No, I don't own it, just look at it and enjoy). And enjoy a campfire anytime. I live more in the country than you do. Now that gerbil thing, you can keep.
LOL, I heard about your new place. It's about time you escaped the rat race.

My house is in the lesser-populated end of town, thankfully. I do go out of town for fishing, but that's because the lake we fish at is small, quiet and massively stocked with Largemouth Bass.

We'll be there Saturday night, actually. I'll buy out there one day after I get the house paid down a bit more / pay off the truck. Right now I'm literally 5 minutes from work - can't beat that.

You still haven't come up for fishing and beer. It's still here waiting for you, but the beer might be a bit stale. Even Sparky found his way here (to North Bay). Tongue