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:wacko: Has anyone noticed how the prices for shtuff on EBay has doubled in the last week ???
Must be the Christmas Spirit :wacko: :censored2:
Just got a few extra bucks to start buying some more mods. Guess I have to wait until the January sell off. :bowdown: :iono:
Havent noticed any changes (yet, knocks on wood) as Im in the same mindset, wintertime = rack up the mods time :D
EBay won't allow me on, since I didn't pay their bulls*** bill 5 years ago.

I'm saving $$ all the time now.
I take back my last comment- projectors that run $165+33 for shipping to canada are still $165, but shipping is $150+!! crazyness
:wtf: I'll start looking in January again when the suppliers really need money and will be reasonable on costs. :thumbsdownsmileyanim:
Not only on E-Bay, but with last minute resort bookings. From 2-300$$ flucuations, hopefully they'll drop right after x-mas so I can at least get out of this miserable climate for one week.
Dimitri,Dec 22 2008, 01:53 PM Wrote:Not only on E-Bay, but with last minute resort bookings. From 2-300$$ flucuations, hopefully they'll drop right after x-mas so I can at least get out of this miserable climate for one week.

Don't forget about the fuel surcharges and service charges that will be added to the price after you book. That will account for another $500.00+. Watch out for deals that seem to good to be true. Likely they are.
I work in travel and I noticed in the influx in prices over the past few weeks too - i couldn't believe it!!
I never really noticed a difference.. maybe cuz I buy all my items locally off the forums and never off Fleabay

Yay to you Forum guys sellin parts XD