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Full Version: Just Some Rims From The Dirty South
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Find the vid in the forum and play it. thats some crazy sheeet.
40'' rims? ha :rolleyes: i'd love to meet the guy who owns the company that makes those.
i like the youtube vid with the crazy sh!t vid of the rims that light up
yea those pics are old.

too bad im just another cracka trying to survive the real world
I miss the dirty south . Bling bling ... 10 years ago :(
Jeez and I remember thinking 17" rims were all the rage back in the day lol!

Pretty soon these guys are gonna make the rims so big that you'll just end up leaving the car at home and riding the rim into work hahahaha!
if you were a rim shop who made rims in those size, it would be hard to find tires, so i sure hope the ownsers brother opened a custom tire shop to sell tires in those sizes too.