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Full Version: Masiv Monday, Cold Weather Edition
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Anybody else coming out tonight? I know its cold but Timmies is nice and warm.
Man, I'm still at work, might be for another couple hours.. Hope not. I hate making godamn software patches!
just packin up @ work, ill be there with some door skins for spinal.

see you guys there around 7
you can add myself and EvilHomerP5 as possible candidates for tonight... so its inside the wendy's restraunt this time?
Thanks guys for coming out - I enjoyed it.

Toronto has taught me to like red again.

It was a good meet.
The pics are not soo good with the Vid cam but the vid was nice lol. I'll post that tomorrow.
Yes it was a good meet, for February. I think this meet beat out a couple from last summer for attendance. I believe the final count was 8 or 9.

Thanks for helping the Masiv Monday, Cold Weather Edition a success.
Sorry for not being able to make it but a few too many irons in the fire at work ATM :(

Yeah, I walked in the door around 7 and was pooched so said screw it.. next time.
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