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I forget who our model railroaders / train people are here..

But anywho.. if its of interest, you may want to check out

I went last weekend to the roundhouse for the first time, and was put to work immediately: removing one of the hoods from the engine, the air filters, and the water pump (which needs a rebuild).

There were 3 others there, and it was a really good time.

Only requirements are steel-toed shoes (picked up a decent pair of boots at CT for like $70), and on some occasions a hardhat (also at CT for $11).

It was pretty nice to play with a full-sized train, instead of little tiny ones.

On the "contact us" section is a link to join the yahoo group mailing list if you're interested.

I wish I could have taken pictures, but I my hands were caked up in grease and grime pretty good.

Sounds like something to check out the next time I'm down!