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Full Version: Shell Easypay = Broken Alarm Remote
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Last night went to Shell to fill up with the 91 Octane and as I pass my Clifford Remote which is attached to my key chain across the sensor for the easy pay the remote went crazy, the LCD started to flash the backlight wouldnt tun of, the remote kept beeping. So it seems however they transmit to the keychain chip it can mess up other device, I have a feeling thats what may have wrecked my FORD key chip. Just thought I would post this incase anybody else was maybe having troubles with remotes.
weird, i have not had any problems with my pass or keys. I've got the compustar and its got the 2way pager thingy.
hmm had it took the remote as payment, then that would have been funny...
the Shell easy pass is hit or miss with the RFID tags, had one person go through about a dozen of the tags before he got ones that worked. They are a cool thing to have, a lot better then the fleet cards that don't want to swipe.
Weird, never had a problem with my Shell EasyPay tag in the almost year I've had it (Now I do only have the stock immobilizer alarm so I dunno :unsure:)
