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Full Version: Cheaper Cell Phone Plans In The Future?
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Read this on the CBC website this morning and I think this will finally help us from getting screwed by the cell phone companies.

news article
yeah there is something like that on all the Canadian media sites now...

if you think about it only like 8 years ago there was more cell companys out there before they were almost all bought up.
so this means I'll be paying less than my current $6.95/month?
CanadaSVT,Nov 29 2007, 07:46 AM Wrote:so this means I'll be paying less than my current $6.95/month?
No, but you won't have to pull the string taut anymore before you make a phonecall.

Y'know having been with the same company for over ten years (Telus) I can honestly say that if you know what you want and can present a compelling arguement with the facts behind you, you can get even the big cell companies to give you what you want/need.

We had more players in the cell phone game years ago (Remember Microcell? when Fido was a seperate company?) they couldn't make it on their own and got swallowed up by the big guys.

I can honestly say I can see that happening here again, new players will have to be willing to bleed lots of red, because the big guys won't just stand around and let the new companies waltz in to take their customer base away...

exactly, mom and pop shops in the cell industry will get eaten up by Rogers remember when there was AT&T, Sprint, and Cingular ? they were all bought up in 3 years after they came here from the states.

I'm still suprised that Virgin Moble is still in Canada. and now that I work for Sprint / Nextel, I can tell you the things we pay fees on are included in everything down south. the plans they offere down there are almost 5 - 10 times cheaper.
yep i agr. i looked into getting a temporary pay as you go cell for when i am in canada. the fees and stuff are ridiculous.

and some of the plans are like.. 200minutes for 40/month.. like.. you got to be kidding me.
I pay 50 bucks a month and thats with a corporate plan...........11 bucks in just system fees.

Rogers Bell and Telus are thieves

Canada must be dead last in cell phone rates.......
This IS good news for those who want more competitive and lower rates. More competition is GOOD, I personally want to see more competition. I think Canada needs another 1 or 2 GSM or WCDMA networks to compete. It will bring down handset prices, it will bring down price plans, it will lower roaming costs, the economy will boom.

There is already over 28 cellular companies in Canada, but they are only merely RE-SELLERS of the big 3 Rogers and Bellus.. Having more non-virtual operators is where its at.
Honestly I'd love to see Vodafone come to canada, I like their ads, plus all the phones I used to make at RIM were really really cool. not to mention the roaming would not be so bad if you went to Europe.