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this is insane....
its like states will never get rid of shooting ups

Top Story!
NikiterZTS,Apr 16 2007, 06:25 PM Wrote:this is insane....
its like states will never get rid of shooting ups

Top Story!

they are already calling it another colombine.(sp?)
It's actually the worst shooting in US history, or so I heard on the news. What a sad world...
Definately a horrible story. I read about this, this afternoon.

Definately makes you question the world we live in.

It's beyond sad, and yes it's apparently the single-biggest "shoot up" massascre ever in the States.

It's all over the news here, yet no-one is talking about it.
Well what do you say about this? It seems to happen more and more. Its things like this that make me worry about my sons future.
Pretty sad stuff.

This is on the list of reasons why I don't want to have kids.

I just don't understand/can't comprehend how someone can do something like this.

RIP to the people who got killed. And condolences to all of the parents/friends/relatives/brothers/sisters/etc.. I can't imagine how they feel either.
Canadian ST,Apr 16 2007, 08:27 PM Wrote:Well what do you say about this? It seems to happen more and more. Its things like this that make me worry about my sons future.
Man, exactly what I was thinking ... just a couple of days after the 10 year old was killed in the school bus accident here in Brampton - literally within sight of my kids' school and the same day my 4 year old came home with a permission slip for a field trip - uh, no thanks.

In the next few days there's going to be a lot made of the fact that the first victims were killed some 2 hours before the shooter went off again ... and in the meantime the school authorities decided to keep the school open and basically warn no one. I hope that within this horrendous tragedy they figure out some way of preventing this from happening again - I fear they won't.

As a parent, I can hardly imagine what those students and their families are going through right now ... but I couldn't keep a dry eye as I was watching the news tonight and my kids sure got an extra big hug and kiss at bedtime.
Death, at anytime can be tragic, whether through illness, accident, or for reasons not known. When it is a child, and yes, those in Virginia are children, it is even more heart wrenching. To know that someone, who has yet to experience all of life's pleasures and challenges has been forever stopped, is to me, the worst thing that could happen.

I think that for now, all we can do is send our hopes and prayers to the families of the dead and injured in Virginia, to hope that those that are still alive will be able to conitnue with their lives as they had planned, to be able to someday smile, to enjoy life again. For the families of the dead, we can only hope and pray for some sort of peace, some sort of strength, and some healing of their hearts, which were shattered by some deranged young person, who for some, as yet unknown reasons, decided that he was God, and had to murder all those young, vibrant students, some, I am positive, the same ages as some of us here, as well as those teachers who only wanted to help those kids become good hard working members of society.

So, go and hug your families, young and old , call them, spend some time with them, don't ever take them for granted. Never take life for granted. You never know when your plans for life can be changed.
NikiterZTS,Apr 16 2007, 06:25 PM Wrote:this is insane....
its like states will never get rid of shooting ups

Top Story!

You do remember the Montreal shotting that happened not long ago. Not as many deaths, but it *could* have been worse, especially with the weapon he was using.

This doesnt just happen in the states.
I wonder what the gun threads a re like on [FJ] :rolleyes:
ANTHONYD,Apr 17 2007, 12:05 PM Wrote:I wonder what the gun threads a re like on [FJ] :rolleyes:

its at 8 pages so far.