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Full Version: Some Gta Go Users May Have Some Entertianment On..
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And that's where I turn the iPod up louder. :P
fawk dat, I`d listen and Im not even a fan of that stuff. they are good.
That's pretty sweet. I'm sure it would bother some people but f*** it, you don't like it, don't listen. They were pretty good though.
^^ I second that, they were pretty good. LoL I'd be listening to them if i was on that train :lol:
thats pretty damn good!
Hate to break it to ya but The reason why they're good is because they're an actual music group and that is an actual song of theirs that they sing. I was watching some TV Music stations from Europe today and those guys have their own Music Video and it was the same song they were singing.
and You're breaking what? what does it matter if they're pro or just a bunch of joes. They're still pretty good, right? I think that's the only point anybody made here. I know a lot of people who are amateurs who can sing just as good if not better than some of the pros out there.
....must be Jane & Finch bus..... :ph34r:
NikiterZTS,Feb 28 2007, 09:21 PM Wrote:....must be Jane & Finch bus..... :ph34r:

They would have been stabbed after the first 5 seconds, then the camera would be taping some dudes inside jacket.

your comment reminds of "Gang tapes" movie
paolo,Feb 28 2007, 08:13 PM Wrote:Hate to break it to ya but The reason why they're good is because they're an actual music group and that is an actual song of theirs that they sing.  I was watching some TV Music stations from Europe today and those guys have their own Music Video and it was the same song they were singing.

You broke nothing :lol:

The name of the group is Naturally7 or something like that if anybody wanted to know.

I listened to some of thier videos....they sound better on the train!!