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Full Version: When Do We Put Our Cars Away For Winter?
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I wash it once a week.

Weather permitting.
When I had my focus, I drove it all year round. Unless you have an SVT that is in MINT shape or something like that, heavily heavily modded, then putting it away for winter, to me is pretty lame. It's a focus, not some high end sports car, they are made for various weather conditions.
i wonder if turbo ones are ok to drive in a winter time
Turbo isn't the greatest in the cold but it will still work as long as the oil is kept warm atleast for me rain is the worst since i have the intake for my turbo very low and exposed since i have no fenderwalls and no foglight for airflow
I park mine, I park it in Nov and it comes out when the snow and salt is gone.

My beater is more reliable than the focus, being stranded when its cold out stinks.
Nov 1st

For all the focus storage bashers....

Go drive an awd car in the winter, then come and talk to me.
Flofocus,Sep 25 2006, 02:36 PM Wrote:Nov 1st

For all the focus storage bashers....

Go drive an awd car in the winter, then come and talk to me.

Well for sure, AWD is perfect for winter....

What I'm getting at are the ones parking their focus with their altezzas and BOMZ intake and driving some Datsun s***box for the winter.......
Year round for me, even with the SC. I just have to try to not get into the boost before it is fully warmed up.

Winter tires on the stockers are a definite must too!
I drive mine all year but my brothers SVT is already stored away...he has a Tempo for the winter and it cost him nothing....
kc focus,Sep 25 2006, 09:26 PM Wrote:I drive mine all year but my brothers SVT is already stored away...he has a Tempo for the winter and it cost him nothing....

Mine is originally a year round car but the gf just bought a car yesterday. 97 4 door sunfire with a 2.4 TOC. (not normal for this grade of car)

So I'm parking mine for the winter and driving the crap out of hers during the winter (it is a sunfire and all)
PIGEON1,Oct 11 2006, 09:20 AM Wrote:97 4 door sunfire with a 2.4 TOC. (not normal for this grade of car)[right][snapback]211036[/snapback][/right]

Not normal for that grade of car? :unsure: What do you mean? I've seen many 2.4 Cavis and Sunflowers.
Definately drive it all year... its the only car I have that will get out of the driveway if we get over 3 inches of snow! :lol:
i drive all year round. But if plans fulfill themselves, this will be the last year it see's snow.
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