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Oops Clutch is toast.
mitch I need to get recomendations and pricing on clutch and fly wheel.
Its a stock SVT not really looking into play much wu\ith it unless the Powerworkd jkit drops to 3500.00 and I don't see that happening anytime soon.
for an SVT i'll have to double check on if Clutchnet has a Pressure plate at this point.

as far as the flywheel, Clutchnet and FS/Fidanza both make one.
the FS/fidanza is 11lbs and the clutchnet is 13lbs.
both are great units but the little extra mass of the clutchnet unit makes it a *LITTLE* bit more drivable according to many.
I've had a 8.5lbs flywheel in my car for years and never found it hard to drive in taffic! :rolleyes: