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Needs more turbo.
OMG thats rediculus. It looked as if it was going to lift right off the dyno. That is insane.
it still can't corner!
nass,Jun 10 2006, 10:20 AM Wrote:it still can't corner!

Considering it's a car for the drag strip doubt the owner cares much :lol:

Damn, first time I've ever seen a car want to lift off a dyno... "Houston, we have a problem" :blink:

That's nuts.... that turbo is just
[Image: 1094013994663%20Mars%20Daybreak.jpg]
Focus man, Focus.,Jun 10 2006, 05:41 AM Wrote:OMG thats rediculus.  It looked as if it was going to lift right off the dyno.  That is insane.

Check this out
skyline dyno video

The frightening thing is the lack of tie downs. Thats just stupid.
Not only lack of tiedowns but where they placed the ones they did have, on the side bar of the cage where it'll tense up and loosen on shifts and then slide... Very frightening indeed.
haha that is insane!