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Full Version: How Do You Get Oil Stains Off Concrete?
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what product do you use?
try coke or pepsi..I think either of those contain an acid that will help you out.
Powder laundry detergent and a scrub brush...

also, if you have a shopvac i'd try to vacuum up the residue...

This method worked on a few spots in my driveway...the stains were about 3 days old though~!

I've also heard that kitty litter will help pull off stains....same with chlorine for pools
I've used similar to THIS on driveways, and they work VERY well...but, beware, get some recommendations from the place you buy it from, as some only work well on 'smoth' concrete, and are no good on 'unfinished' concrete (actually, there is an acid based one that will clean any type of concrete...but it's damn dangerous, and not good for the environment...I think a lot of countries have now banned it). Best6 bet is to go to somewhere like home depot, or even a lanscaping store to see what they have, and ask LOTS of questions.

WD40 .... it does wonders
schade,May 28 2006, 03:37 PM Wrote:WD40 .... it does wonders

is WD40 flammable? last thing i want is someone to toss a cig into my parking spot and have my car and bike both go out in flames :ph34r:
you can try muriatic acid. it's what they use to clean cement pools after the winter
just put some wd40 down and wipe up the spilled area .. it won't be flammable after you wiped it up and the excess has dried
brake cleaner :D
Can't think of the name right now, but it comes in a milk carton style jug (powder form) and also in liquid form and is typically in CTC's paint section. I usually have the powder form lying around in case for that exact reason. you pour a little on the stain, add a small bit of water and use some elbow grease, comes out every time. Anyone know what i'm talking about? :unsure:

EDIT: It's called TSP. Great stuff.

Go into Crappie Tire or Home Hardware and ask for TSP.

[Image: 6226823.jpg]
hmm ok.. i'll give that TSP a shot.. i went with laundry detergent, let it sit for a while.. pour on a bit of seltzer water, cheapo cat litter, and a whole bunch of scrubbing. not the best outcome.. but definitely got some of it.. i probably would have made my life a lot easier if i had put some carboard underneath my integra and not let it build up so much in the first place..
lol honda
zx4_ses,May 29 2006, 02:58 AM Wrote:brake cleaner :D

i use it to take oil out of my clothes, so it should work for driveway stains.
ANTHONYD,May 29 2006, 01:05 PM Wrote:TSP

Go into Crappie Tire or Home Hardware and ask for TSP.

[Image: 6226823.jpg]

Excellent stuff and the best for cleaning concrete. Also great as a heavy duty cleaner, and for cleaning your walls before you paint ( gets all the oil and grease off )
nass,May 30 2006, 09:53 PM Wrote:lol honda

i was too lazy to change the front and rear main seals and redo the oil pan gasket i overtorqued.
The details get you everytime eh? :)
nass,May 31 2006, 03:40 AM Wrote:The details get you everytime eh? :)

yea like Nm <> lbft !!!! :ph34r: