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Bride-to-be Injured By Concrete Thrown At Car - Frost__2001 - 02-04-2006

A woman vows the injuries she suffered from a chunk of concrete, thrown off a Highway 401 overpass near Oshawa, Ontario, will not postpone her wedding.

Full Article Here

Bride-to-be Injured By Concrete Thrown At Car - focusonthis88 - 02-04-2006

That sucks!!!!!!!

Bride-to-be Injured By Concrete Thrown At Car - microbunny - 02-04-2006

Am I alone in thinking that should be treated as an attempted murder?

Who does s*** like that???

Bride-to-be Injured By Concrete Thrown At Car - Oscar The Grouch - 02-04-2006

microbunny,Feb 4 2006, 07:35 AM Wrote:Am I alone in thinking that should be treated as an attempted murder?

Who does s*** like that???

Attempted murder, destruction of property, littering, mischief, etc.

Bride-to-be Injured By Concrete Thrown At Car - nass - 02-04-2006

it's been done before. In the states someone dropped some hardcore acid over a bridge and landed on someone's car breaking the window and eating the 2 front drivers's skin. It was 2 women and one of them had a sad story even before this happened. It was on Opera so maybe Meford saw it

I hope they find the person and do something like this to him. We need an eye for an eye legislation

Bride-to-be Injured By Concrete Thrown At Car - paolo - 02-05-2006

i heard it on the news and even saw footage of the injuries to her face on the TV.. man its pathetic how people have no sorrow. the person or people who did this deserve to be punnished.,

Bride-to-be Injured By Concrete Thrown At Car - Flofocus - 02-05-2006 who the fawk does this s***.

Freggin LOOOSER :angry:

Bride-to-be Injured By Concrete Thrown At Car - laidman - 02-05-2006

This is why I think every overpass should have fencing around it and camera's posted at them. Stupid kids think this is funny. Hell if who ever finds out who did this it should be back to the old ways like eye for an eye. Set him up in a car, and toss concrete at him, or just run him over with a car...

Bride-to-be Injured By Concrete Thrown At Car - SVT ZX3 - 02-05-2006

Seen her on the news, F'n horrible. Who ever did that should be shot.

Bride-to-be Injured By Concrete Thrown At Car - FociPhil - 02-07-2006

I remember spitting at cars from the overpass, but a concrete block?!?! are you kidding me!??!

I saw an interview, and she said just before the block hit her she saw a guy at the over pass....smiling.

I hope this guy kills himself from guilt. Or someone finds him nad Phucks his face up!!

Bride-to-be Injured By Concrete Thrown At Car - NOS2Go4Me - 02-07-2006

This is where we waste s***tons of money institutionalizing people who need to just be put down.

Rather, this is where we waste stupid amounts of money just deciding whether to jail or institutionalize the guy. I vote for max security with a little shower "alone time" with the welcoming committee.

Bride-to-be Injured By Concrete Thrown At Car - SangriaRedZX5 - 02-26-2006

I've heard many stories like these. So sick!