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Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - microbunny - 01-02-2006

5 hours into 2006 and there has already been another homicide in T.O.


Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006!

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - smith21 - 01-02-2006

WOw...that sucks hard!! Poor Toronto is never gonna have a good rep after all this s**t happening to them

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - OAC_Sparky - 01-02-2006

smith21,Jan 1 2006, 01:36 PM Wrote:WOw...that sucks hard!! Poor Toronto is never gonna have a good rep after all this s**t happening to them
Toronto has been living in the delusion that they are still "Toronto the Good" for well over a decade now. Having lived in Windsor and spent a good deal of time in my teens and early 20s in Detroit, and I've also lived in Toronto briefly; I see Toronto as "Detroit North".

The only way they'll ever get a "good rep" again would be to drop a bomb to wipe the slate clean and actually start screening immigration applicants.

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - 02ztsian - 01-02-2006

It doesn't help living so close to the worlds largest manufacturer of handguns, the Exited States of America.

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - Frost__2001 - 01-02-2006

Toronto is a far cry better then places where crime makes no sence like in Saskatoon, and Winnipeg where the population is 1/20th the size, but er are a far better city then places like Detorit, and New York City, and Los Angeles.

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - OAC_Sparky - 01-02-2006

02ztsian,Jan 1 2006, 02:25 PM Wrote:It doesn't help living so close to the worlds largest manufacturer of handguns, the Exited States of America.
Then you would think that Windsor, St. Catherines, Niagara Falls, Fort Erie, etc would have proportionately higher crime rates. They don't.

Look at the type of people that commit the crimes, and ask yourself why Toronto (pop. 4.9M) has a much higher murder rate than Montreal (3.9 M) and Vancouver (2.1M).

As for comparing Detroit and Toronto? Considering that up until a few years ago if you could walk into a gun store with a pulse in Detroit you could purchase a handgun, crime should be non-existant in TO comparatively. It's not.

Stop trying to pin the blame on the US and put the blame where it belongs --

Poor immigration screening
A laughably lenient judicial system
A useless and actually counterproductive gun registry
Bleeding heart politically correct politicians that neuter the police.

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - NOS2Go4Me - 01-02-2006

I agree with Sparky completely. It's beyond sad. It's hellalameopathetosad.

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - CheckMyVitals - 01-02-2006

is Julian Fantino still chief?
i was pretty sure that dude was gonna be hardcore and clean that place up. that guy doesn't care who he pisses off to get the job done... which is what toronto needs... btu... wtf?

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - tdot-zx3 - 01-02-2006

Please tell me this was downtown?
If so I was only blocks away from it climbing stuff when it happened.
I counted 17 cops cars, 5 ambulances and 3 fire trucks zoom by.

I never went near the scene of the crime.. I had better things to do then that.

I had a bet with someone too... Before new years eve morning was over. Looks like I gotta bug him to collect now.

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - microbunny - 01-02-2006

tdot-zx3,Jan 2 2006, 05: Wrote:Please tell me this was downtown?

Does that make sense to you--->..Eglinton and Locksley Avenues area, near Dufferin...I'm not familiar with T.O. that well!

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - paolo - 01-03-2006

microbunny,Jan 2 2006, 07:55 AM Wrote:
tdot-zx3,Jan 2 2006, 05: Wrote:Please tell me this was downtown?

Does that make sense to you--->..Eglinton and Locksley Avenues area, near Dufferin...I'm not familiar with T.O. that well!

Eglington is not really considered downtown, its kinda middle

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - ANTHONYD - 01-03-2006

OAC_Sparky,Jan 1 2006, 11:48 PM Wrote:
02ztsian,Jan 1 2006, 02:25 PM Wrote:It doesn't help living so close to the worlds largest manufacturer of handguns, the Exited States of America.
Then you would think that Windsor, St. Catherines, Niagara Falls, Fort Erie, etc would have proportionately higher crime rates. They don't.

Look at the type of people that commit the crimes, and ask yourself why Toronto (pop. 4.9M) has a much higher murder rate than Montreal (3.9 M) and Vancouver (2.1M).

As for comparing Detroit and Toronto? Considering that up until a few years ago if you could walk into a gun store with a pulse in Detroit you could purchase a handgun, crime should be non-existant in TO comparatively. It's not.

Stop trying to pin the blame on the US and put the blame where it belongs --

Poor immigration screening
A laughably lenient judicial system
A useless and actually counterproductive gun registry
Bleeding heart politically correct politicians that neuter the police.

^^^^^^^^^^^DING DING DING!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - FociPhil - 01-04-2006

We still have the higest crime rate in the country.

I heard that this guy that was killed, was involved in last new years eve murder, where the same thing happened, a guy was shot sitting in his car.

But the police say they are not related....rrriiiiiggghhhttt....

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - NOS2Go4Me - 01-04-2006

It's different tho man... on the Praries, it's depression and anger due to lower-than-average incomes vs. cost-of-living, etc (unless you're in Alberta. Then it's mad cow disease! :lol: ). In Toronto, it's the thug mentality, drugs, warring ethnic factions.

I can see drugs being a problem all over Canada, but I doubt you've got the Tamil Tigers holed up in some damn barn somewhere, plotting the next driveby at the only gas station in town.

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - FociPhil - 01-04-2006

No but we got natives...and instead of guns, bow and arrow, hatchet, you knpw the deal...and drugs is HUGE out here.

And trust me, its not that different. For somebody from North Bay, i would think that you might have a pretty good idea of what goes on.

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - NOS2Go4Me - 01-04-2006

I have a great idea what goes on, I see it every day when I drive back home from the east end (Ferris area) for whatever reason. I get to drive right by the Native Friendship Center, which translates into "I know where to get really cheap smokes, beer, and drugs" center. Oh yeah, don't forget "provincially-funded free food association".

I just think the dynamic out west would be a tad different... but yeah, North Bay and Sask probably have a lot in common. Especially at the same level of urbanization (50-60,000 people).

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - dBlast - 01-04-2006

Unless you are in a gang or affiliated with drug dealers in Toronto then the homocide rate is way down. There were only a handful of beatings or stabbings.

Almost all of the gun deaths were between gang members or drug dealers. In some cases, the suspected shooter in a previous murder ends up being gunned down a few weeks later. (Saves on court costs and the cost of incarcerating and rehibilatation.)

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - meford4u - 01-04-2006

NOS2Go4Me,Jan 3 2006, 01:37 PM Wrote:... but yeah, North Bay and Sask probably have a lot in common.

The fact that I, nor any person with alot of common sense, will evar live there.

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - NOS2Go4Me - 01-04-2006

We'll keep the trees, lakes, and hawt women. You can give us your tourism dollars, tho :)

Toronto Records 1st Murder Of 2006! - nass - 01-04-2006

correct me if I am wrong but overall the crime rate is down considerably in Toronto. Crimes involving hand guns is on the rise, but over all it is down.

This is what you get when the media has nothin else better to do than to scare everyone into action. Which is good cause it gets the attention it needs but man lets take everything in stride people were getting shot for the longest time in Toronto but only now we make a big deal about it?
