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Unaired Xbox360 Ad - Printable Version

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Unaired Xbox360 Ad - darkpuppet - 11-23-2005

Interesting ad...

of course I thought it was entertaining, but you know the sensitive 'mericans....

Unaired Xbox360 Ad - tdot-zx3 - 11-23-2005

I thought this commercial was so well done. Its great.

Its very sad how/what cant get aired and how this world is being so politically correctly lately...

Unaired Xbox360 Ad - ZX3guy2000 - 11-23-2005

I thought that was hilarious!!!!

Unaired Xbox360 Ad - Flofocus - 11-23-2005

haha, thats awsome

Unaired Xbox360 Ad - nass - 11-23-2005

there should be a world wide bounty on american heads. for each merican head you bring back to your home country that should be worth $1000usd plus whatever they have in their pockets......

just kidding that rule only applies to democrats or whatever that fucknut bush is.

Unaired Xbox360 Ad - NOS2Go4Me - 11-24-2005

Bush is a Republican.

That commercial was great, but:

- No one ever reloads.

- Headshots are choreographed so wrong. No ragdoll physics whatsoever.

- Shotgun through a windshield? In the miliitia's dream, pal!

- The server's near empty. Come on, show a little enthusiasm. I'm used to 80-100+ people playing JO:E constantly on Devastation.


It was a real piece of work, and why the hell wouldn't American's approve it? Call it a day in the life of Detroit or something else equally as accurate. :rolleyes:

Unaired Xbox360 Ad - FociPhil - 11-24-2005

If only life was really like

Unaired Xbox360 Ad - nass - 11-24-2005

NOS2Go4Me,Nov 23 2005, 04:18 PM Wrote:Bush is a Republican.

That commercial was great, but:

- No one ever reloads.

- Headshots are choreographed so wrong. No ragdoll physics whatsoever.

- Shotgun through a windshield? In the miliitia's dream, pal!

- The server's near empty. Come on, show a little enthusiasm. I'm used to 80-100+ people playing JO:E constantly on Devastation.


It was a real piece of work, and why the hell wouldn't American's approve it? Call it a day in the life of Detroit or something else equally as accurate. :rolleyes:
oh ok then all republicans need to have their nuts cut off if they have any....

and I don't really think they were going for realism in this commercial cause if they were then who ever thought up the concept would for sure get fired or rammed up the trap door, sans lube