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Two Men Pull Woman Off T.o. Subway Tracks - Printable Version

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Two Men Pull Woman Off T.o. Subway Tracks - Frost__2001 - 11-07-2005

I saw this on CFTO last night and I looked for it to post here, I thought it was amazing what these two guys did in a matter of seconds, and they all got off the tracks seconds before the train came into the station.

Real Heros

Two Men Pull Woman Off T.o. Subway Tracks - Oscar The Grouch - 11-07-2005

Frost__2001,Nov 6 2005, 02:30 PM Wrote:I saw this on CFTO last night and I looked for it to post here, I thought it was amazing what these two guys did in a matter of seconds, and they all got off the tracks seconds before the train came into the station.

Real Heros

What's the moral of the story kids? Don't hang out too close to the subway platform.

Two Men Pull Woman Off T.o. Subway Tracks - euro_zx5 - 11-07-2005

Great story, we definitely do have some good locals!

Two Men Pull Woman Off T.o. Subway Tracks - mo_focus - 11-07-2005

Yeah saw that last night as well. Its nice to see that its not gang or gun related for once and it has to do with Toronto.

Two Men Pull Woman Off T.o. Subway Tracks - CanadaSVT - 11-07-2005

Yep, it's nice to see a good story about TO these days. All three of them are very lucky, one wrong step and they would have been electrocuted. It was great to hear she wasn't pushed. :)