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Canada Is Not Bilingual - chinaman - 09-29-2005

If it truly was, then the newscasts would not have to tell us what the new governer general is saying when she speaks french, and they would not have to tell the quebecers what she was saying when she spoke english.
Another thanks to Trudeau for making us waste our money on his stupedity.

Canada Is Not Bilingual - Oscar The Grouch - 09-29-2005

Da Hell ?!?

Who cares about the governer general?!? She's another waste of taxpayer money.

Canada Is Not Bilingual - scoobasteve - 09-29-2005


canada is all excited because we have a black govenor general now...

all the newscasts are saying FIRST BLACK GOVENOR GENERAL

who the hell cares.

Canada Is Not Bilingual - Oscar The Grouch - 09-29-2005

scoobasteve,Sep 28 2005, 03:59 PM Wrote:lol

canada is all excited because we have a black govenor general now...

all the newscasts are saying FIRST BLACK GOVENOR GENERAL

who the hell cares.

She was born in Haiti as well.


Soon they'll all be running for Parliament and screw up this country. Wait a minute, that's been happening for 10 years already! :censored2:

Edit: I do not dislike haitians. They are cool just like other people. :D

Canada Is Not Bilingual - FocusGuy7476 - 09-29-2005

time to make my entrance into politics and fix this country.

cut to image of stewie in a hole.

Canada Is Not Bilingual - brucktown - 09-29-2005

they only speak french in quebec.............i mean common, who really cares about quebec ahahahaha

Canada Is Not Bilingual - meford4u - 09-29-2005

Your all correct as fuktards! GG---waste of money. Fact that she's non-white. Like the queen would like that. Not Canadian born. Stupid Liberals. French Canadian and apparently at one time part of the separatist movement. Lovely.

Canada Is Not Bilingual - Oscar The Grouch - 09-29-2005

FocusGuy7476,Sep 28 2005, 06:58 PM Wrote:cut to image of stewie in a hole.

Yes Sir!

[Image: Stewiehole.jpg]

Canada Is Not Bilingual - Ghandi - 09-29-2005

The Governor General is the little guinea pig of the all mighty Queen Elisabeth. A complete waste of money for absolutely nothing.

And as for the Queen... well I never really understood why we're still stuck on her. Ditch it for good and be done with it. :twak:

Canada Is Not Bilingual - NOS2Go4Me - 09-29-2005

Meford and I are in complete agreeance here.

A GG whose parents weren't even born here. For that matter, what about the previous one? Either you're Canadian or British if you're representing the Queen. Not that I want the Queen represented here anymore, but geez... wasn't Haiti a French colony? Isn't that like hiring a blind guy to be your limo driver?

I mean, is this a pretext to an invasion by America?

America invades... and Michaelle Jean is leading the charge, waving the... white flag????? Not Canadian born, comes from a French colony, used to be a journalist, and was seen speaking the words, "Independence isn't given, but taken" in her husband's separatist film. OK then. We saw how fast the French got steamrolled in WWII... it's a matter of time before it happens to us, too.

"We surrender! Please don't shoot me, they made me be the representative of Britain! I'd rather drive a SUV and praise NASCAR! Pass the ammunition!" :lol: :ph34r:

Just hand over the keys and stop patrolling the 49th parallel, already. We've lost before it even began.

Anyone else up for colonizing the northwest rim of James Bay? We can fish and live off the land, set-up massive solar farms for electricity, and fend off the polar bears with sticks. Sharp sticks. The US can have the rest of the country... it's not like it's actually recongizable compared to what it was 15-20 years ago.

And in related news, Canada wants to increase immigration while also raising the number of new recruits to the armed forces. BRILLIANT!

Here's what you do - you hold a holy s**t lottery at each arrival gate. 1 out of every 100 able-bodied males and females has to serve in the CAF. They say we're not treating enough skilled trades workers fairly, and they say that we don't have the resources to verify all the incoming refugees' credentials for their post-secondary education. No problem - serve a mandatory 5-year stint in the military, they get re-trained, and we're fixed-up in more ways than one.

Problem solved. You want to come to this country and live the "better life" than the one you left behind? Good, here's a M16, have fun defending it.

The people who've lived here for 6+ generations have already seen generations of their own family members give their lives to the Canadian Armed Forces, and more and more newcomers come here for the handouts and stay for the lax way of life.

I say screw em, it's time to REALLY be Canadian. Be courteous and selfless as our forefathers were, and give some of YOURself to your wonderful new country that you've adopted so eagerly.

/end rant.

Canada Is Not Bilingual - FocusGuy7476 - 09-29-2005

good point NOS, immigrants should do some thing for this country before being grated citizenship. instead they get 5 or 7 years where they don't pay any income tax at all, and just screw the gov't over and bring more of their family over.

you give before you take.

Canada Is Not Bilingual - Raine - 09-29-2005

LOL I love how a guy with the name chinaman is whining about bilingualism, when more than 1/2 the orientals in Scarborough don't even know one of the national languages, n/m say 2...

Canada Is Not Bilingual - FocusTunerzx3 - 09-29-2005

This Country is going to s**t. Its only a matter of time before we give control over to the States...China someone because we certainly cant run it. Bilingual? who cares only 1/8 of the population(thats a generious estimate) speaks both. Most can only speak English or French and thent here are some who cant speak either. I think i should just hope in my boat go to Australia and live where the weather is always "Fine".

Canada Is Not Bilingual - FociPhil - 09-30-2005

Raine,Sep 29 2005, 06:23 AM Wrote:LOL I love how a guy with the name chinaman is whining about bilingualism, when more than 1/2 the orientals in Scarborough don't even know one of the national languages, n/m say 2...