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Anthony. You Should Do What This Guy Did! - Printable Version

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Anthony. You Should Do What This Guy Did! - ZX3TUNR - 05-27-2005

If you have a lemon.

Quote:I have received several requests for the information on what I did about my SVTF that was having an inordinate amount of problems. Here it is:

Step 1: Go to your dealer. Ask for the Dispute Settlement Board (DSB) pamphlet. Fill out the last page. If you have more complaints than you have room, like I did, you should be in like Flynn. The paperwork didn’t even make it to the DSB before they were offering to buy it back.

Step 2: Photocopy all of your service records. Note repetitive repairs (i.e. horn dying, catalytic converter shield coming off, etc) and count all the days that it has been out of commission. Once again, more is better. I had 45 days of down time on submission of my package, and going on 60 days right now (have had problems since the submission).

Step 3: Mail the entire package (mine was in a huge post office envelope) and get the post office to tell you how much it is so you don’t get it returned for some reason. It should include the photocopies of the problem sheets and DSB paper.

Step 4: Wait. You should get a notice of reception of package, with your case number and point of contact, and if you are really lucky, you will get a FedExed package containing Ford’s offer for reconciliation without use of the DSB board. The maximum reward is, of course, getting your money back, with a replacement vehicle being an option, and a couple of others I didn’t pay attention to because they weren’t worth it in my opinion.

You pay for the mileage up until you brought the car in the first time. My first official time was at 700 miles; my lemon lawyer (who I didn’t even need) said that if they charge me more than 50 bucks to call him back. This is very fortunate for me, because I have almost 26000 miles on the car already.

Another issue is modifications. I have springs, short shifter, tint, motor mounts, tornado, clear corners, all of which add up to about 600 bucks. My point of contact at Ford told me to fax her the receipts (thank God I saved most if not all of them) and the money I spent will be returned; I don’t know if it is a 100% return though. Remind me and I will let you know.

I have had a blast driving this car over the last year. The only issue that I had with it was that it was not available to be driven for about two months out of that year. If I was to get a replacement vehicle, I most likely would get another one, or possibly another Mustang GT (I never had a problem with my ’98 GT). However, the insurance rating for the SVTF went up to 20 (Mustang GT is 22) and the insurance company is trying to rape me for a car payment and a half a month. In addition, I may be buying a house in Tucson sometime in the near future, and I hate dumping money into anything… maybe it’s time to invest in something that appreciates as opposed to depreciates.

Hope I was of assistance.


Anthony. You Should Do What This Guy Did! - bluetoy - 05-27-2005

Don't think we have that in Canada.

Anthony. You Should Do What This Guy Did! - darkpuppet - 05-27-2005

unfortunately canada doesn't have the same lemon laws as in the states...

not sure if there is an equivalent here, but if anyone knows, speak up now.. would be good info to have around.

Anthony. You Should Do What This Guy Did! - ZTWsquared - 05-27-2005

darkpuppet,May 27 2005, 12:23 AM Wrote:unfortunately canada doesn't have the same lemon laws as in the states...

not sure if there is an equivalent here, but if anyone knows, speak up now.. would be good info to have around.
The closest thing we have is the Canadian Automotive Manufacturer's Vehicle Arbitration Program, or CAMVAP.

They can force the mfg to repair your vehicle or buy it back, however, according to the stats they publish, the forced buy back doesn't happen often - but importantly, it does happen.

Click here to see CAMVAP rules and stats.

My beef with Ford was settled in my favour when CAMVAP decided that my case was eligible to be heard by them, and the hearing would go forward. Literally one day later a senior rep with Ford of Canada called to say my cheque was in the mail and I should drop my claim - and indeed I got it 5 days later.

Bottom line in my case: wIth just the threat of a CAMVAP hearing, FoC caved. The point being is that many more vehicles may have been bought back than indicated by CAMVAP stats.

Anthony. You Should Do What This Guy Did! - ANTHONYD - 05-27-2005

2 things.

1: Thanks for the info Jay.

2: As far as Canada goes.... we are pretty much stuck with what we buy.

I spoke to the CAMVAP people a few summers ago. Unfortunately they can't take into account any of issues that occoured after my accident. Everything BEFORE the smash-up (which was still a laundry list of stuff) could be counted.

My car is 3 years old now and way beyond help.

Unfortunately, I'm stuck with the Green monster.

Fortunately... I have had ZERO problems since having the rocker cover gasket and Master Cylender replaced. ( I hope I haven't jinxed it)

And to be honest... as much of a pain the car has been. I love the little green car to no end. I love to drive it, wash it and take care of it. It's all the other stuff I cant stand. :lol: