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I Got Dinged Yesterday At No Frills - Printable Version

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I Got Dinged Yesterday At No Frills - NOS2Go4Me - 04-08-2005

I'll try not to go on my anti-humanity rant...

I can't believe how spineless some people are. It's a circular ding with a well-impressed center (door, definitely), about the size of a loonie just above the wheel flare in the driver's front fender. There's a tiny scratch too, not sure how it got there (outside the ding area)... but I wish I had noticed it before I drove 2 blocks away. I would have camped that spot and inspected what was parked next to me. The gutless wonders that hit me must have felt it impact, and obviously didn't even care. I hate most drivers for the simple fact the just don't give a s**t about anyone else besides themselves.

I am so FARKING PISSED :angry:

It's going in the shop two Mondays from now for that respray and door hang adjustment... I'll just add this to the workorder.

It's not severe, I could probably leave it... but it's one of those things that eats at you because it's noticeable. Not glaringly fubar, but noticeable.

/end rant

I Got Dinged Yesterday At No Frills - hardk0re - 04-08-2005

You know theres lots of pitbulls up for adoption....chain one to each wheel....

No more dings...just funny smelling wheels.....

btw: Unhook them and put them in the car when moving.....

I Got Dinged Yesterday At No Frills - Flofocus - 04-08-2005

hardk0re,Apr 8 2005, 09:33 AM Wrote:You  know theres lots of pitbulls up for adoption....chain one to each wheel....

No more dings...just funny smelling wheels.....

btw: Unhook them and put them in the car when moving.....


Sorry to hear that Adam, it always sucks when you return to your car and see that. It happened to me with the 1st month of focus ownership. :blink:

I still havent fixed it, but you can only notice it in the right sunlight. :lol:

I Got Dinged Yesterday At No Frills - microbunny - 04-08-2005

hardk0re,Apr 8 2005, 09:33 AM Wrote:You  know theres lots of pitbulls up for adoption....chain one to each wheel....

No more dings...just funny smelling wheels.....

btw: Unhook them and put them in the car when moving.....

Holy Crap...good thing you mentioned that last part...mAN I woulda looked foolish

I Got Dinged Yesterday At No Frills - meford4u - 04-09-2005

Within the first week of owning my new truck it was dented. Unfortunately I did it. I hit my own truck playing golf with a golf ball.

This outta help with your pain.

Laugh it up boys.

I Got Dinged Yesterday At No Frills - paolo - 04-09-2005

I too used to get dings and dents like crazy, that happened even when I parked all the way in the back of parking lots where no one else would park, then I come back to my car to find a pack of cars parked arround mine. Oh brother. Now, I park my car in a toronto parking garage that requires an Access Card, and I park inbetween the same 2 cars every day. I know the owners of the cars too, so none of us will really have to worry about.

I Got Dinged Yesterday At No Frills - ANTHONYD - 04-09-2005

I parked in an alley way in Grimsby. I ran into my brother's hardware store for 10 seconds and came out to a 2-foot scratch and dent down the side of my car.

dam fantastic.

If it were me, and I hit somebody, I would haver stuck around to appologise. The generalk public makes me sick.

I Got Dinged Yesterday At No Frills - Burnin21 - 04-09-2005

Some moron dinged my car (rear drivers side panel) when I was at school, but when I came out no one was around where I parked. I was pissed, I hate people that dont own up to there faults.

I Got Dinged Yesterday At No Frills - iceblaza - 04-09-2005

I was changing my tires the other day, and all of a sudden i heard a bang. I look up and some young kit ran his bike into my car... he looked at me i looked at him, then he took off down the street. I got up looked at the back of the car where he hit and there was a nice scratch... god damn kids.... Stay outa my driveway...

2nd story: Every year my neighbour puts out a basketball net on the street. Little kids come and play and constantly miss the net the ball bounces off the curb or bike or whatever and comes flying at my car more times than i can count... but i cant park my car anywhere else because i have a small driveway... god damnit!

3rd story: I parked on a street where my girlfriends cousin lives... i know no one on the street. come out an hour later and my car has been egged.... somehow the egg took chunks of my paint out... i dont know how but it did. I was ever so pissed...

4th story: i was parked in the parking lot at my school and someone really hit my car hard, big scratch in the bumper.... but he owned up to it and gave me some money...

Overall very bad luck with my foci... its prone to objects flying at it.... all i can say is my focus is pretty scratched up if u can just imagine what its gone through.

I Got Dinged Yesterday At No Frills - NOS2Go4Me - 04-09-2005

Wow... by the sounds of it, I got off light.

I'm still pissed, but when I took the boss and a couple of consultants out for lunch today... no-one noticed the ding :D

Even took em down the bypass and wound it out a little so my boss could hear the new intake/exhaust.

He now wants something similar for his Vibe :lol:

I Got Dinged Yesterday At No Frills - SVT ZX3 - 04-09-2005

I've been there man! I usually just take it out on who ever is parked next to me. :blink:

I Got Dinged Yesterday At No Frills - french_connection - 04-09-2005

SVT ZX3,Apr 9 2005, 12:20 AM Wrote:I've been there man! I usually just take it out on who ever is parked next to me. :blink:

I always park in front of my office, once I was outside smoking and I saw this guy bump my car while parking... I ran to his car and as he was gonna get out,
I kicked his front fender, i climbed on his front bumper and told him if he ever hit my car again, I would jump on his hood...

I never saw this car again parked in front of my building.

gotta love being a smoker...

I Got Dinged Yesterday At No Frills - french_connection - 04-09-2005

once, a guy hit a car the same way while getting out of his parking. then he left, I took his plate number, wrote it down with an explanatory note and put it on the poor car wiper.

I wish more people did what i did.

it felt good to bust this sob.

I Got Dinged Yesterday At No Frills - SVT ZX3 - 04-09-2005

french_connection,Apr 8 2005, 09:24 PM Wrote:
SVT ZX3,Apr 9 2005, 12:20 AM Wrote:I've been there man! I usually just take it out on who ever is parked next to me. :blink:

I always park in front of my office, once I was outside smoking and I saw this guy bump my car while parking... I ran to his car and as he was gonna get out,
I kicked his front fender, i climbed on his front bumper and told him if he ever hit my car again, I would jump on his hood...

I never saw this car again parked in front of my building.

gotta love being a smoker...

Sound's like something I would do. If people don't give a crap about their ride that's fine, but AT LEAST have respect for someone who does!