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2-day On The Qew Towards Stoney Creek - Printable Version

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2-day On The Qew Towards Stoney Creek - ANTHONYD - 05-12-2004

Rainforest wagon with rims and carbon fibre exaust tip.

Old woman driving it. :huh: :blink:

2-day On The Qew Towards Stoney Creek - 2001 ZTS - 05-12-2004

ANTHONYD,May 12 2004, 01:06 PM Wrote:Rainforest wagon with rims and carbon fibre exaust tip.

Old woman driving it. :huh: :blink:
I haven't seen that particular car but I certainly have seen lots of old dears driving around in modded cars (usually ricey ones).

What I suspect is happening is the kids in the family cant afford cars so they buy parts for Mom's car and use it on weeekends while mom has it Monday to Friday.

2-day On The Qew Towards Stoney Creek - microbunny - 05-12-2004

I don't give a damn what you guys are talking about....

I'm just posting so we have 3 sedan owners in a row!!!


2-day On The Qew Towards Stoney Creek - NOS2Go4Me - 05-13-2004

Make it 4? :D :ph34r:

2-day On The Qew Towards Stoney Creek - j3rt - 05-13-2004

may goodness, such an air of desperation among you sedan, it's like closing time at the bar.

buck up, you don't see the wagons carrying on like this.