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My 2009 So Far! - Printable Version

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My 2009 So Far! - mo_focus - 01-14-2009

I’ve been having some bad times since the New Year and I thought may be I can just vent here :)

• Jan-5 Kelly, my wife, and Isabelle, 1year old daughter started their first day of work and daycare.
• Kelly found out after starting her job after a year being on matt leave, that they are getting rid of everyone in Canada and moving the call centre to US. Thank you Obama for that!!! she was only at work for 2 days before the news.
• Kelly’s last day of work is March 31, but since there is not enough time put in for EI, she will not even qualify for EI. Hopefully she won’t need it, but it would have been nice to have a back-up plan.
• Jan 9th Kelly found out her Uncle has brain tumor and has to go for surgery ASAP. Surgery is planned for this Thursday.
• Jan 9th, daycare calls us saying Isabelle is really sick and we have to come and pick her up.
• Isabelle has been sick since Friday and did not let us sleep thru the weekend.
• Kelly and I both got very sick, I’m worse then her, I’ve got a fewer of 39.5C and it has not come down, going to the doctor tomorrow.
• Jan 12, at 4am I wake up shivering also to find out house is at 14C and furnace is not working. Had to turn on the fire place on the living room and turn on the fan, also got a small electrical heater and put in Isabelle’s room. Thank god for our heated mattress pad :)
• 158$ later, I had to replace the blower motor, thank God friend of mine had account with Lennox and they give me contractor price.
• Jan 13, after calling sick for two days, I still feel like s***!!!!

When is my bad luck going to end!

My 2009 So Far! - Canadian ST - 01-14-2009

Sorry about the bad luck. There is nothing worse then a child being sick, hope she gets better soon.

Go shovel your neighbours driveway, that might bring you some good luck.

My 2009 So Far! - mo_focus - 01-14-2009

Canadian ST,Jan 14 2009, 12:44 AM Wrote:Sorry about the bad luck. There is nothing worse then a child being sick, hope she gets better soon.

Go shovel your neighbours driveway, that might bring you some good luck.

haha, speaking of that, that is antoher story.

Neighbours left about 4 months ago and just abandoned the house. Finally i see a note on the door and its BMO evicting them, as i was reading the note i could hear water, so i went to my house and called the Fire Dept. They came, broke thru the garage door and then broke the garage door to inside of the house. When they did that water started coming out!!!

So BMO is trying to sell this house i guess, but they have no idea of the damages.
Ceiling are all coloapsed, hardwood floors are all buckeled. Basement was flooded and its like a pool. Anyways there is going to be atleast 200K damages on that house.

On the bright side, fire dpet and cops did thank me for calling them :)

My 2009 So Far! - Focus man. Focus. - 01-14-2009

What a s#!tty way to start a year. It can only get better from here right? Keep your chin up bud.

My 2009 So Far! - NOS2Go4Me - 01-14-2009

Holy s*** Mo!

Hang in there, man. It sucks to hear about Kelly's job for sure :( the markets are just FUBAR right now, no matter what anyone tells you. Job shuffles, layoffs and other types of restructuring are going to be the norm for quite some time yet. 2010 is the year we should finally see some upward momentum.

I'm not sure what I can do to be of any help to you, but if you need anything - Facebook / MSN / PM me.

As for being sick... fluids, fluids, fluids. Vitamins too, if you can bring yourself to swallow them. And definitely see a doctor about a persistent fever. I've had a raw throat and dry cough for days but it's finally clearing up now. :(

My 2009 So Far! - darkpuppet - 01-15-2009

geez man... shitty luck. Seems like everyone's taking a turn with a bad year or two.

I hope your year improves... and soon at that.