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What Charity Would You Prefer? - Printable Version

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What Charity Would You Prefer? - Scorcher000 - 03-06-2010

Some one in our lives have had one of these health problems. I myself have had a grandparent pass away from Diabetes/Heart Attack. (Very Bad Day). And now I might too have it one day. Some live with these problems day in and day out.

I want to set up a Charitable Car Cruise, for one of thses organizations. I feel like it would be a good thing to do. Fun for us drving and knowing that somehow what ever we raise, we make a difference in providing extra support to a cure one day.

So please vote and post what one you picked. If you choose to tell why, that is your own choice.

Thank you everyone.

What Charity Would You Prefer? - meford4u - 03-06-2010

Diabetes........because I am diabetic.

What Charity Would You Prefer? - paolo - 03-06-2010

Cancer Research - Becuase a family member past away last week from Cancer :(

What Charity Would You Prefer? - oldeguy - 03-06-2010

There are many noteworthy charities that could be the beneficiary of a Cruise. If it was me, I'd be wanting one for the Multiple Sclerosis Society, as my wife has this F@#$$@in disease, or The Crohn's and Colitis Society, as one of my kids has this. Given the choice of the three above, I would think that Heart and Stroke get my vote.

What Charity Would You Prefer? - Focus man. Focus. - 03-06-2010

Well Diabetes runs in my family. Both myself and my sister are insulin dependant. My father is on pills, and my Grendfather on my Mothers side did as well before he passed.

But there are so many worthy charities that could use help nowadays. I am sure the final result would be a great choice no matter who it is.

What Charity Would You Prefer? - Scorcher000 - 03-07-2010

Thanks for sharing guys

Maybe if we were to collect a good amount that the money could be split into the 3 Charities or more if need be.

What Charity Would You Prefer? - Mystake - 03-07-2010

oldeguy,Mar 6 2010, 12:38 AM Wrote:There are many noteworthy charities that could be the beneficiary of a Cruise. If it was me, I'd be wanting one for the Multiple Sclerosis Society, as my wife has this F@#$$@in disease, or The Crohn's and Colitis Society, as one of my kids has this. Given the choice of the three above, I would think that Heart and Stroke get my vote.

i voted cancer as there were deaths in my family due to it, but i'd go for an MS drive as well.

What Charity Would You Prefer? - ZX3_2NV - 03-07-2010

DaSilva racing has a charity cruise in october for sick kids. As for setting one up its tuff to start out but any charity would be great. For my wedding instead of gifts were making a donation to the canadian cancer society

What Charity Would You Prefer? - willcann - 03-07-2010

i voted for heart & stroke. My dad has heart problem and at 25 i have a mild heart attack

What Charity Would You Prefer? - audionut405 - 03-07-2010

Again, any charity is a great idea! Personally I am a former patient of Sick Kids Hospital and always try to give back every chance I get

What Charity Would You Prefer? - Frost__2001 - 03-07-2010

For me it's a toss up between Sick Kids as they helped my sister when she was very sick as a kid, and the other is the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation as my best friend and former co-worker Irene got breast cancer, but by the time they found it, it had spread into her bones, and her brain before she died 2 years ago, I can say I still really miss her, not to mention feel bad for her family she left behind as she had 2 children.

What Charity Would You Prefer? - NefCanuck - 03-07-2010

See, for me it's Sick Kids because I was a regular between them and the Bloorview-MacMillan Childrens Hospital (Of course that was so long ago that Bloorview was know as the Ontario Crippled Children's Centre back in the day)

But I'll let the rest of the group decide as I assist other groups in raising $ for Sick Kids ;)


What Charity Would You Prefer? - Flofocus - 03-11-2010

Cancer Society....just lost a freind to brain cancer. 28 years old.

My Grand Father also died of brain cancer. :(

What Charity Would You Prefer? - tetra - 03-11-2010

Sick Kids would definitely be a good choice.
I picked the Heart and Stroke because in my family it's a common way of passing. Also because strokes and heart problems are on the rise, especially in young people.