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Good Games For The Wii? - naz - 03-19-2008

friend saw an extra wii on the shelves so he picked it up for me.. it is the $265 USD base model with no add ons

is it worth it for me to keep this? any suggestions for games? i've played the wii before, it was ok for party games but is it any good as an actual gaming console?

Good Games For The Wii? - torradan - 03-19-2008

we have a good time with ours. we mostly play the game that came with it! the sports on with the bowling and stuff.

We have EA playground and thats pretty fun, and the Rampage game (like from the Arcade).

Beyond that, I don't know much about any other games.

Remember you can also get Wii points and download old games from NES/SNES/Genesis, TurboGrafx16, and some other stuff.

I say you keep it.

Or sell it on Kijiji or Craigslist for an inflated price.

Good Games For The Wii? - ANTHONYD - 03-19-2008

We actually JUST attended a Wii party on the weekend. What a blast.
The wife LOVED it. She wants me to get one next week :P We played the bowling and tennis. Boxing was quite the workout too!

There is a fishing game that was pretty fun too.

Good Games For The Wii? - 02ztsian - 03-19-2008

Wii sports is addictive and you can get a real workout with it. WiiPlay is good for the kids. Remember, the Wii plays all the Gamecube games (there are ports on the console for the Gamecube controllers).
And finally, there is Guitar Hero III! My 8 year old daughter says it's the best!!!!

Good Games For The Wii? - ANTHONYD - 03-19-2008

Guitar hero works on the Wii?

Good Games For The Wii? - darkpuppet - 03-19-2008

ANTHONYD,Mar 18 2008, 03:03 PM Wrote:Guitar hero works on the Wii?

yes, there's a guitar that the wiimote plugs into...

make sure you get the new disks though, as the release version didn't have stereo sound.

Good Games For The Wii? - Oscar The Grouch - 03-19-2008

ANTHONYD,Mar 18 2008, 03:03 PM Wrote:Guitar hero works on the Wii?


If you want the game to end all games, SUPER SMASH BROTHERS BRAWL!

Super Mario Galaxy and Super Paper Mario are fun.

I sure hope EA puts out Fight Nights 08 on the Wii, I'll be the first to buy. :D

Good Games For The Wii? - euro_zx5 - 03-19-2008

darkpuppet,Mar 18 2008, 03:05 PM Wrote:
ANTHONYD,Mar 18 2008, 03:03 PM Wrote:Guitar hero works on the Wii?

yes, there's a guitar that the wiimote plugs into...

make sure you get the new disks though, as the release version didn't have stereo sound.

That has been the biggest pain in the A$$ to find, and for that exact reason. Having to pull it off shelves for the revision. And that's why I got myself a 360, guitar hero... lol

I say keep the Wii. Mario Kart is coming out soon, and that WILL be fun! Also House of the Dead just came out... I've always loved the arcade version!

Good Games For The Wii? - ANTHONYD - 03-19-2008

darkpuppet,Mar 18 2008, 03:05 PM Wrote:
ANTHONYD,Mar 18 2008, 03:03 PM Wrote:Guitar hero works on the Wii?

yes, there's a guitar that the wiimote plugs into...


PFFT. Sold!

Good Games For The Wii? - naz - 03-19-2008

hmm i've never tried those types of games before. i've typically been a rpg or 'platformer' kind of guy. .like the last few games i played a long time ago were like.. metal gear, ff series, god of war, GT3 etc.

i'm having a hard time wrapping my head around playing a fake guitar or waving some wand thingying to make link swing his sword.. wtf?

maybe i should ditch this wii and get a ps3 instead?

anyone with both care to comment on the pros and cons?

and thanks for the input guys i really appreciate it

Good Games For The Wii? - NefCanuck - 03-19-2008

I have both a PS3 and a Wii...

Thing is that each system has its strong points. For me the strong point on the Wii is the Wiimote & Nunchuk, it makes playing most games easy, even if graphically the PS3 beats up the Wii, steals its lunch money and then beats it again just for kicks...

Though in the Wii's case, there's just something to be said for swinging, chopping & stabbing you opponent... Hell I plan on taking my Wii to our annual training conference and seeing what kind of havoc I can cause amongst the lawyers & other staff :D


Good Games For The Wii? - Oscar The Grouch - 03-19-2008

I'm soo thinking about mounting a Wii in the Black Focus!!!!

Good Games For The Wii? - 02ztsian - 03-19-2008

naz,Mar 18 2008, 04:40 PM Wrote:i'm having a hard time wrapping my head around playing a fake guitar
It seemed kinda lame when I first saw the commercials but it's freaking addictive once you start playing!!!

Good Games For The Wii? - naz - 03-19-2008

so... got the wii today and hooked it up... kind of a let down.. i have some intermittent hardware issue (got an "error occurred" black screen message first time i tried to load the disk... and it happened again about 30min after i got the thing working) the manual says it could be a sign that the console is damaged... doh

i guess this kind of makes my keep or return decision.. got to return it...what a hassle :(

EDIT: i know wii sports is not a good way to judge the system.. but man.. a next gen console with whopping 480i display... i'm underwhelmed. i think i would have ended up returning it anyway even if it worked fine

Good Games For The Wii? - darkpuppet - 03-19-2008

I guess I'm the only person who hasn't bought into the Wii.. and I've played it.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a decent machine -- I love the ideo of wii parties.. casual gaming fo the masses. I remember with the PSX and PS2, that there were tonnes of games that were casual, easy to pick up and play and entertain 5 or 6 friends at a time.

And that's something that's missing from the 'core' gaming crowd these days as studios move their games online, save for the occasional bright star in Rockband or occasional fighting game.
(hell, you can't do 4 player split screen anymore.. what gives?)

But how often do friends come over and play games anymore? For me, it's virtually never... Games have become the interractive stand-in for watching TV for me, and the Wii has very limited use for it.

I personally want games that'll take 15-40 hours to complete, that have a story line that makes you want to progress, that have memorable gaming moments (like your first real encounter with a Chimeran Angel in RFoM)... and the Wii, while fun for a few minutes, doesn't offer that in the quantity you can find on other consoles.

Good Games For The Wii? - ANTHONYD - 03-19-2008

I'm with you Steve.
But Jen actually liked the damn thing. She was the one saying "one more game" I NEVER thought she would be into video games. Being a teacher, she's majorly against them, but I think she enjoyed the time we spent with our friends laughing our heads off at eachother.
I also think it would be a neat tool for us to use to spend a little more fun time together. Jen can be VERY competitive. Geeze, she makes me want cry wen we play mini-golf. She's vicious.

I'm sure one day I'll own both an XBox and Wii. :P

Good Games For The Wii? - darkpuppet - 03-20-2008

ANTHONYD,Mar 19 2008, 09:38 AM Wrote:I'm with you Steve.
But Jen actually liked the damn thing. She was the one saying "one more game" I NEVER thought she would be into video games. Being a teacher, she's majorly against them, but I think she enjoyed the time we spent with our friends laughing our heads off at eachother.
I also think it would be a neat tool for us to use to spend a little more fun time together. Jen can be VERY competitive. Geeze, she makes me want cry wen we play mini-golf. She's vicious.

I'm sure one day I'll own both an XBox and Wii. :P

I hear you... I have to find that game that gets my GF interested yet.

Guitar hero was fun... a buddy wasn't buying into it at my Christmas party, but the moment he saw War Pigs in the song list, he was in...