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Insurance Premium - $100k - Printable Version

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Insurance Premium - $100k - torradan - 12-11-2007

Quote:EDMONTON - Barbara Wellensiek knew her son's insurance bill would be steep because of his driving record, but when the renewal notice arrived she was shocked to see the annual premium was $104,566.63.

"I thought it was a typo," Wellensiek said today. "I didn't panic - I thought it was a mistake."

When she phoned her insurance broker, Access Insurance Group, she got confirmation that the figure
on the notice was accurate, the rate having been hiked from $1,300 per month.

"I just about fainted - how could this be?"

She calculated that her son, Janson Towers, would have to work full-time all year and earn $55 per hour just to pay his auto insurance premium.

Towers has all the factors going against him that add up to a high premium, even under the new grid system brought in when auto insurance reforms took effect in 2004.

He's 19, and has a "tendency to speed," Wellensiek said.

He got his first car at age 16. His licence was suspended twice. Since May 2005 he has received 10 speeding tickets, and has been in two minor "fender benders" and a rear-ender that totalled his car.

Though the insurance industry has complained that the grid system rewards bad drivers, an insurer could charge even more.

When the details of Towers' driving record were put into the auto insurance rate calculator on the provincial government website, the maximum allowable charge that came out was $122,727.42 per year.

Wellensiek went to another insurance company, Morgex, which quoted her $50,000 for a
premium on her son's Nissan 240.

She has chipped in on his premiums before because of his need for a car. He has been playing junior football in Kelowna, taking physiotherapy because of football injuries, working part-time and is about to start attending Okanagan College.

But there's no way the family can afford $50,000.

"If he can't drive, I'm sure he'll accept it. He'll just have to wait until the convictions fall off."

Towers said he's moving permanently to British Columbia and is optimistic he can insure his car there for about the same rate he was paying in Alberta last year. If that doesn't work out, he'll have to ride his bike.

"I'd rather buy a house than pay that ($104,000)," he said.

He's still shocked by the invoice, and says that most of the speeding tickets clocked him going just a
few kilometres per hour over the limit.

Alison Gates-Kriston, spokeswoman for Alberta Finance, said there are three factors on the
insurance rate grid: number of years of driving, accident claims and convictions.

"Your grid rating is a reflection of your driving record," Gates-Kriston said. "It's the driver's
decision as to whether they want to be insured or whether they want to stop driving."

An official with Access Insurance Group, which quoted the $104,566.63 premium, said the company
can't comment because of privacy legislation.

Michael Debolt, government affairs manager for the Alberta office of the Insurance Bureau of Canada, was surprised by the amount of the premiums allowed under the grid rules, but said his industry is still opposed to capping rates under the grid system.

"We don't believe in the grid at all - we believe an individual's insurance premiums should reflect the risk they carry," he said.


Pretty steep, but effective!

I say they revoke his license for-ev-er. I haven't had 1/4 of that amount of tickets and I've been driving for almost 20 years.

I don't know how your parents were when you were young and first starting to drive, but mine would have said to dust off the bike, because theres no way in the world I'd be driving again anytime soon.

I'm pretty happy to only pay $600/year for full coverage (which is whatever Ford required when I had the car as a lease)

Insurance Premium - $100k - FocusGuy7476 - 12-12-2007

nominee for Canada's worst driver 4

Insurance Premium - $100k - ZX5focused - 12-12-2007

FocusGuy7476,Dec 11 2007, 11:14 AM Wrote:nominee for Canada's worst driver 4

im sure they already called to offer a spot!!!! :rofl:

Insurance Premium - $100k - Burnin21 - 12-12-2007

That is rediculous! I'd say forsure take his license for at least a long time. A friend of mine lives in Alberta in the summer for work and he says he doesnt even consider speeding that often. His reasoning is if the cops dont get you, that moose around the corner just might. So with all this guys speeding tickets....... maybe its suprising hes not dead yet.

Insurance Premium - $100k - NefCanuck - 12-12-2007

Geez... how in the world has he kept his license NVM the insurance premium hit :ph34r:

A few kilometres over the posted limit sure... and I ski jump on weekends during the winter :rolleyes:


Insurance Premium - $100k - naz - 12-12-2007

that's crazy. they should just yank his license

Insurance Premium - $100k - darkpuppet - 12-14-2007

If something hurts, quit doing it!

I wonder if this kid is going to learn anything from this, or if he's going to get a $100,000 bill a year later from the BC insurers.

Insurance Premium - $100k - ZX3_2NV - 12-20-2007

Don't they have a demerit point system in alberta like he should not be driving anymore but anyways the Numbers don't add up

and did anyone notice he was already paying $1,300 per month Thats $15,600 a year, the most i ever paid for insurance was when i was 17 with one claim and it was $7500 a year

Insurance Premium - $100k - NikiterZTS - 12-20-2007

i think even if Bill Gates got an invoce like that he would of been "WTF!!?? i have to work 4 days for that!!"

Insurance Premium - $100k - 2.0duratecpower - 12-22-2007

he thinks insurance in bc will be cheap he's wrong.

Insurance Premium - $100k - cornflakes - 01-10-2008

if you can't drive cuz the premium is $100K then just drive without insurance and risk not being caught