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Im My Day, This Wasn't A Prank - Printable Version

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Im My Day, This Wasn't A Prank - Flofocus - 11-02-2007

Quote:Officers across the Greater Toronto Area investigated other Halloween pranks, which included trick-or-treaters being robbed of cellphones, iPods....

?? I'm pretty sure that's called robbery, no? <_<

Im My Day, This Wasn't A Prank - Frost__2001 - 11-02-2007

wow that's lame... it gives the holiday a new low IMO...

what ever happened to the typical burning of abandoned buildings on devils night? anyone remember seeing news reports from detroit being in flames durring the 80's / early 90's on tv ?

Im My Day, This Wasn't A Prank - focusracer - 11-02-2007

Good grief, the worst we ever did was throw firecrackers in other kids bags, we didn't even steal their candy, just blow up the bags. Paper bags full of dogs*** lit on fire, moving street signs, stuff like that, those are pranks. These little s*** heads should be whipped or something.