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Question About Mac Books - D-Dub - 08-16-2007

Im buying a Mac Book and my question is are they durable?? Should I get the 3 year apple plan?

Im going back to school and the Mac is required...........and its the Mac Book Pro I will be buying.

Also I know you can run xp on it can you run Vista?

Question About Mac Books - NefCanuck - 08-16-2007

Thing is with any laptop (Not just a Mac) is what kind f warranty does it come with standard? Most of 'em now are one year RTD (Return To Depot) which is a huge hassle, esp. if you need the 'top for school. Does the three year Apple plan offer on site servicing?

Not sure, Vista hardware requirements are much stiffer than XP and I don't know if they have a dual boot loader that's Vista capable yet sorry :(


Question About Mac Books - torradan - 08-16-2007

Don't even touch Vista. You're just asking for pain.

XP is just peachy. Its solid these days, and has lots of hardware support.

Question About Mac Books - D-Dub - 08-16-2007

Im running Vista on my current laptop and it has no issues as of yet.

The 1 year is the basic one I think, the apple plan is a three year service on site anywhere in the world.

The book will have 2gigs of ram and a 2.3 ghz core duo, so it should be more then enough.

Question About Mac Books - NefCanuck - 08-16-2007

If you need the 'top nearly always at school, I'd get the three year on site warranty then, how much will that hit you?


Question About Mac Books - NOS2Go4Me - 08-16-2007

3 years' warranty is my defacto recommendation for ANYONE purchasing a laptop for ANY reason. They're too fragile and too susceptible to accidental damage or premature parts failure for me to recommend anything less.

Question About Mac Books - Frost__2001 - 08-16-2007

Ask Deadskip, he's on his 2nd iBook / Mac Laptop and I would highly recommend getting the 3 years warentee.

Question About Mac Books - K_OS - 08-16-2007

As an owner of 6 Apple laptops past and present go with the Apple extended warranty it's definitely worth it. My last iBook I had an issue with the logic board it was all taken care of by Apple.

Laterz :)

Question About Mac Books - D-Dub - 08-17-2007

I have a deal through school, but its mostly on the warranty. Do any of you know a place that sells these lap tops for a good price? the apple care warranty.

Question About Mac Books - ZED_not_zee - 08-20-2007

OK so I have owned a Power book for SEVEN years now it's traveled around 13000 Km in that time been dropped frozen and over heated in a car numerous times.. the only thing that is broken on it is the 1/8 inch stereo out jack from when it fell and had a large adapter plugged into it...

it has crashed hard enough to take it into a shop ONCE and all it needed was disk warrior and about 15 mins... and I run a Protools Mbox, external fire wire drive and second monitor... all flawless to this day... lol I also have two DG4 towers and a G5 tower,, I'm on mac over load,,,

Question About Mac Books - Focused - 08-25-2007

out of curiosity, why are you getting a PRO?

I'm running a regualr Macbook (2.16/1gig ream/160gig HD) I use if for DJing. ZERO problems running Serato Scratch Live for 8 hours straight.

As a matter of fact the cooling fans don't even come on.

I got mine off the site Refurbished...comes with same 1 year warranty, and I can get the extended at ANY time between now and the end of the MFR warranty

Question About Mac Books - PDW - 08-26-2007

D-Dub,Aug 16 2007, 04: Wrote:I have a deal through school, but its mostly on the warranty. Do any of you know a place that sells these lap tops for a good price? the apple care warranty.
buy it with the student discount either from mac or a campus computer store. all you need is a student ID.. youll get student pricing and an ipod.... best deal you can get really. extended warranty is 240-280 I think on a macbook pro.

Question About Mac Books - ANTHONYD - 08-26-2007

I have an iBook and it's been through a bit over the years.

I've NEVER had any issues with it except the screen went wonkie a year after I got it. Serviced and it's been fine ever since.

Laptops are a tricky thing. Because they're portable, they're more likey to get damaged.

I'd bite the bullet and buy the peace of mind.


Question About Mac Books - D-Dub - 08-26-2007

I bought the book at the apple store last week and I decided on taking the one that Focused mentioned, with the 2 gig of ram upgrade though. There is really no need for the pro unless you are doing some major video editing....which I wont be doing. I also bought the apple care plan with it which brought me to a grand total of $2180.

So far I like it, just need to get used to the Mac OS.

Focused can you recommend an external sound card with midi support?. I would like to buy a mixer with a "midi out" so I could use it with Ableton live. I also need 4 channels so I can hook up my headphones if I decide to mix.

Question About Mac Books - ANTHONYD - 08-27-2007

Nice choice!

As for the Operating system.... It's a piece of cake bro. You'll have it figured out in a couple of weeks.

Go to iMusic and download the apple tips podcast. There's dozens of them. They're full of wicked little tips that will help you learn the OS.

Have fun man.

Question About Mac Books - Focused - 08-28-2007

Thats a good tip Anth... I'm gonna check that out when I go home.

D-dub - I don't know jack about external sound cards. The way Serato works is via USB. It has a separate control box for signal control, and that's it.