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Idiots! - torradan - 07-05-2007

First off:

Going to Tim Horton's. its set up similar to an On The Go. One spot open. I put my signal on to well, signal my intentions.

Wouldn't you know it, some old bastard in a Cadillac pulls into the space. So I give him the finger and find another spot on the other side of the parking lot.

Now I'm on a mission. I have a big order. I can obviously walk faster than this old fart. So I do! One cashier person taking orders.

Yeah, he gets mad because i've now held up the line for 10 minutes for 8 coffees, a few bagels, and some donuts.


I go to put the coffee in the car. Someone with a white car decided to hit my car. The paint came off with some spit. But there is a little gouge the trim. It was someone in the parking lot here at work. This is about the 4th or 5th incident here in the past month.

I'm going to park way way out in the middle of nowhere now. Bitches.

What a way to start a morning.

Idiots! - OAC_Sparky - 07-06-2007

Personally, I find that if you perpetuate bad kharma it usually comes home to roost.

Idiots! - meford4u - 07-06-2007

Yeah Todd. Don't goatmouth yourself.

And you've always got time for Tim Horton's.

Idiots! - Canadian ST - 07-06-2007

Your mission if you decide choose to take it find out who drives the "white car" ask them if they realized they hit your car and let them know its not ok to do stuff like that and not leave a note. If you get a "sorry" carry on with your day, if not use the baseball bat that you put in your trunk and break there window and apologize and say "now doesn't saying sorry sound easier"

Idiots! - NefCanuck - 07-06-2007

Ouch, sounds like you had a fun morning :(

On the bright side (If there is one) at least you didn't smash one of your co-workers favourite mugs to bits emptying the dishwasher today (How the job of busboy got added to my job description, I will never know :rolleyes:)


Idiots! - NOS2Go4Me - 07-06-2007

Rule #1... always park away from s***e because that always happens to those who care about how their car looks. People with the most beat piece of s*** will never worry and will consistently park closer as they don't care about scrapes, dings and illegal immigrants.

As for the guy in the Caddy... that's self-explanatory, dude. He's only allowed to take so many steps per day with that pacemaker! :lol:

Lastly, you're in Toronto, right? NUFF SAID. Manners and whatnot went the way of the dodo there over 20 years ago.

Idiots! - zx5power - 07-06-2007

Canadian ST,Jul 5 2007, 10:27 AM Wrote:Your mission if you decide choose to take it find out who drives the "white car" ask them if they realized they hit your car and let them know its not ok to do stuff like that and not leave a note. If you get a "sorry" carry on with your day, if not use the baseball bat that you put in your trunk and break there window and apologize and say "now doesn't saying sorry sound easier"

lmao Ive thought about . guy in my building banged my door with his focus wagon I noticed his window was open so I made myself known by talking loud . If he bangs it again im going knocking on his door ... never know what might come from that :ph34r: lol

Idiots! - Oscar The Grouch - 07-06-2007

NOS2Go4Me,Jul 5 2007, 10:43 AM Wrote:Rule #1... always park away from s***e because that always happens to those who care about how their car looks. [right][snapback]243170[/snapback][/right]

That would explain why I never parked near your old car. ZING! :lol:

Idiots! - D-Dub - 07-06-2007

I like the bat idea, but to make thing easy for yourself break every white cars window.

Idiots! - oldeguy - 07-06-2007

My white Focus wasn't in Toronto today.

Idiots! - torradan - 07-06-2007

Nah I'm still stuck in New York. Manners are MIA down here as well. Going to see how the claybar works out removing whats left of the white paint, and get some touch up paint after the little divit.

Idiots! - ZTWsquared - 07-06-2007

Talk about mixing your metaphors! Quite prophetic actually.
OAC_Sparky,Jul 5 2007, 10:01 AM Wrote:Personally, I find that if you perpetuate bad kharma it usually comes home to roost.

Idiots! - ZTWsquared - 07-06-2007

OAC_Sparky,Jul 5 2007, 10:01 AM Wrote:Personally, I find that if you perpetuate bad kharma it usually comes home to roost.
Is this what you mean?

Bad Karma – an episode of My Name is Earl (never aired but on the DVD)

The episode begins with actor Jason Lee appearing as himself in a Masterpiece Theatre-type setting telling the viewer about a "lost pilot" for the show, which he then presents.

The episode essentially retells the pilot explaining Earl's back story (albeit in a much more abbreviated form) up to the point where Earl is recovering in the hospital after being hit by a car.

In this version, however, rather than watching Last Call with Carson Daly and learning about karma, he watches an episode of Family Guy and hears Stewie Griffin talking about vengeance.

After recovering and moving into the motel (as he does in the pilot), Earl concludes that his life is miserable because he's let people walk over him all his life. He proceeds to make a list of people that have "screwed him over", and intends to get back at each of them and no longer be "a punk."

While Earl begins keying any car in the parking lot nicer than his own, Catalina finds Earl's winning lottery ticket and quits without telling Earl what she's found.

Earl plans to get back at Kenny James for making him feel stupid as a child, but doesn't know where Kenny lives. He goes to Kenny's parents' house and begins smashing their beloved collection of ceramic birds to force them to tell him Kenny's address, before Randy finds the address in the phone book.

On the way to Kenny's, Earl and Randy stop off at Joy and Darnell's trailer. He knocks them both out with a phone (just as Joy did to him in the pilot) and shaves both of their heads.

Earl later decides the best way to make Kenny feel stupid is to trick him into having sex with a man. To that end, he enlists the help of Sandy, a transvestite prostitute (also played by Jason Lee).

Kenny later finds Sandy in his home and, being gay just as he was in the real pilot, is in fact quite interested in Sandy once he finds out Sandy is a man.

Earl and Randy sneak in to see Kenny's reaction and are shocked to find him and Sandy having sex. As they run out of Kenny's house, Earl is again hit by a car. The car is driven by a now-bald Joy and Darnell, who run over Earl again and kill him when they see who it is.

The scene then fades to Randy, now sporting a mustache like Earl, looking at Earl's obituary and musing that My Name Is Earl is now his show, which he names My Name Is Randy.

The show then returns to Jason Lee who tells viewers to watch the next episode in which the ghost of Earl visits " Sahara 's own Matthew McConaughey."

Bad Karma ... usually comes home to roost.

Idiots! - OAC_Sparky - 07-07-2007

Not sure if I was intentionally mixing metaphors, but what I meant was when someone does bad crap to you (ie the old guy in the parking lot), by going out of your way to be mean back it usually perpetuates more of the same bad luck. Hence his car getting dinged.

Sometimes, you gotta let things go. So, the old guy was an ass. Maybe he can't see well, or is just a bad driver, and didn't intentionally cut him off. You are young and mobile, perhaps he is not so. It the guy was handicapped would that have made a difference? I've had it happen to me. The bitch that did it laughed. Of course, twenty things ran through my head that I could have done in retribution -- but I let it go. Someday, she'll get hers back.

And My Name is Earl is pretty funny.

Idiots! - Frost__2001 - 07-09-2007

lol all I can say this is what happens when you go to Tom Hotorn's. I really hate going to them as I know what it's like to work in one anf field complaints about cars and what happens in the parkinglot.

All I can say is don't go to Tim Horton's and none of this stuff would have happened.