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So How Was Your Long Weekend? - Printable Version

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So How Was Your Long Weekend? - NikiterZTS - 05-22-2007

I don't know about yours but mine was pretty good... :)
[Image: P1010008-5.jpg]

that wasn't the smartest thing we did......only on May 2_4 weekend

[Image: P1010022.jpg]
[Image: P1010021.jpg]

no one got hurt.......this time :lol:

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - laidman - 05-22-2007

wow, what happened LAST time?????

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - Frost__2001 - 05-22-2007

I worked most of mine and then worked on the car on monday... that's about it.

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - paolo - 05-22-2007

It didn't really feel like a long weekend. Monday was our only day of rest, and it was too crazy to drive up north and back. We ended up staying home and had a BBQ.

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - hardk0re - 05-22-2007

Drove up to algonquin and went camping, nothing crazy like yours nik :)

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - ANTHONYD - 05-22-2007


Got the car cleaned up, worked on my beloved grass, drank a half a case of wine and layed in the sun with a couple of cigars. I needed that!

I'm under some pretty crazy stress / pressure these days.

Feelin' great today and ready to take a more aggresive hold of the job search.

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - NOS2Go4Me - 05-22-2007

24 hours of overtime to finish a network overhaul that was badly needed. The server room looks seriously pimp now (for a server room).

Ate east coast lobster on Monday as my reward. Oscar brought me two good-sized buggers back from New Brunswick... what a pal!

The quicker we get this done (1 more weekend of OT left), the more potential vacation days we have this summer.

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - Focus man. Focus. - 05-22-2007

What was in the water gun? I have to try that!!!

We spent the weekend working outside as well. Vacumed the pool, cut the grass and planted a garden. We also had a bonfire with Lindseys uncle in Holdand Landing. I also spent a couple hours staring at my car wondering when I am getting the letter from the ministry so I can get behind the wheel again. Waiting sucks.....

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - oldeguy - 05-22-2007

Worked all weekend. until yesterday afternoon. No excitement here.

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - NikiterZTS - 05-22-2007

Focus man, Focus.,May 22 2007, 07:53 AM Wrote:What was in the water gun?  I have to try that!!!


oh we just added gas from lawnmower B)

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - Spinal - 05-22-2007

worked sat from 12-5, spent the night with the girly friend. worked sunday all day, and monday was relaxin...wasn't anything real super, but it was alright.

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - 2001 ZTS - 05-23-2007

Friggin COMPLICATED!!!!1111!1!!!! :blink: :lol:

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - NefCanuck - 05-23-2007

Saturday afternoon was fun... got to watch a Buffalo fan collapse in on themselves, yes its nasty to take joy in the misery of others, but after they'd been whacking on me as a Leafs fan all season, it seemed fair enough...

After that... well, you've seen the thread <_<


So How Was Your Long Weekend? - CanadaSVT - 05-23-2007

NikiterZTS,May 21 2007, 11:16 PM Wrote:[Image: P1010008-5.jpg]
Cool. We like to take those lawn ornament pink flamingos and fill them with draft from one of the camp kegs, but I guess a funnel does close to the same thing. Unfortunately everyone is too smashed to think of fetching a camera....long stories from long ago.
I spent Sunday at the drive-in watching Shrek with the kiddies. Now I'll spend the week cleaning all those little popcorn butter fingers off the windows :rolleyes:

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - Flofocus - 05-23-2007

Did some yard work..played in a poker tourny, won at the losers table :lol:

And went to a kegger on Saturday night. Wife thought she could hang with the big boys.

[Image: kegger.jpg]

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - PARKINGLOT - 05-23-2007

hmm...went to the drive-in on friday night, saw shrek 3 (wifey wanted to see it, I picked last time)
saturday, drove to port dover and chilled for a bit (again, wifey's idea, she's never been there before so I thought it would be a cool suprise)
saturday night, had some drinks at my parents house and lit off some fireworks. Good time, we also had our friends (a couple that lives on the floor above us in our apartment, and she works at the same place as teh wife) over to watch said fireworks. Burn my thumb a bit lighting one, but it was all worth it. Went back to the apartment, have some more drinks, got pizza, tried to avoid watching our inebriated friends hump on our couch (longgggg story), went to bed and passed out
sunday, chilled, watch some movies, went to my parents house in the evening (wifey was at and watched the new simpsons and trailer park boys...

good times in all....good times...

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - Aka - 05-23-2007

I went to MoSport on Sunday, watched 3 5-8 car races then left because it was pathetic. Then drove a friends STi on Monday and had a blast. Way faster than my car, I'm so jealous. I 'need' one now.

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - Oscar The Grouch - 05-23-2007

Got drunk in New Brunswick on Friday and Saturday. :beer:

Dodging potholes and police for 15hrs from Bathurst to North Bay on Sunday. B)

Yelled at my roommates on Monday for not cleaning up the house while I was gone on vacation. Damn bastards. :angry:

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - D-Dub - 05-23-2007

Went to Eatons Centre and shopped, hit up Hess, hit up Emmas, then finished off at Freedom at the Guv.

It was Meh, but the extra day was nice to have off.

So How Was Your Long Weekend? - darkpuppet - 05-23-2007

went to a buddy's cottage, ate, drank, played poker, and put in their dock...

and then spent 3 hours in asshole traffic back to TO... passing one head-on collision on HWY 7..

[Image: DSC00033-1.jpg]

and dodged a bunch of camping gear lying in the middle of the 401 after being cut off by a neon passing a transport... (no pictures as it required a swerve onto the left shoulder at a buck-thirty...)

3 stone chips later (because some asshat drifted onto the soft shoulder in front of me), back home, and washed the car and nursed my sunburn.