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Popping Noise In Speakers - Printable Version

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Popping Noise In Speakers - mustanggt_50 - 05-11-2007

Ok I am by no means knowledgeable about stereo systems so anything like this baffels me. I just installed some subs and an amp in the Focus and it works fine, except when i turn the car on I get a slight pop in the speakers and when I turn the car off I get a larger pop happening. Ive heard if you disconnect the RCAs from the amp and then power the deck on and then off and if the pop goes away its in the amp. Well I did this and the pop did infact go away.... Sooo the question I have is, is there anyway I can get rid of the pop noise? I dont wanna buy a new amp at this point in time.

And if there is a part that can be used a part number and place to purchase if known would be great! Thanks for any help...

Popping Noise In Speakers - focusonthis_88 - 05-11-2007

mustanggt_50,May 10 2007, 04:55 PM Wrote:Ok I am by no means knowledgeable about stereo systems so anything like this baffels me. I just installed some subs and an amp in the Focus and it works fine, except when i turn the car on I get a slight pop in the speakers and when I turn the car off I get a larger pop happening. Ive heard if you disconnect the RCAs from the amp and then power the deck on and then off and if the pop goes away its in the amp. Well I did this and the pop did infact go away.... Sooo the question I have is, is there anyway I can get rid of the pop noise? I dont wanna buy a new amp at this point in time.

And if there is a part that can be used a part number and place to purchase if known would be great! Thanks for any help...

That's your remote wire that does that. You always have power on the remote and when you turn your car on the Amps turn on and give a little pop in your speakers and a lounder one on your subs.

Popping Noise In Speakers - mustanggt_50 - 05-11-2007

focusonthis_88,May 10 2007, 09:19 PM Wrote:That's your remote wire that does that.  You always have power on the remote and when you turn your car on the Amps turn on and give a little pop in your speakers and a lounder one on your subs.

Ok, so is there anyway to get rid of it? Ive heard other systems that dont pop at all? Just curious thats all, since like I said I have no clue about it!