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Higher Speed Chattering.. ? - Printable Version

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Higher Speed Chattering.. ? - ex1z7 - 04-29-2007

Seeing as there are already a few power steering issues and weird noise threads made, I thought I'd be trendy and do one too.. As to not clutter other threads.

This started a week or so ago, no idea why.. At about 88kph (not joking) my car starts to vibrate pretty bad, I mean, anything over 90 and it feels like something is.. well hard to explain - it chatters my keys, it shakes my sun visors, it shakes everything - change in my cup holder sounds like machine gun fire..

turning is fine, stopping is fine, my tires are worn out - I knew that a while ago, but they're not to the point of ever doing this (in recent experience with other cars and worn tires at least) - I'm not entirely sure how to check for bearings etc., I know theres that quick hand test where you jack the car up on a side, grab the wheel from the top and bottom, and wiggle - that checks uhhh.. bearings? and grabbing it on the sides checks CV's right? I'm not sure :| Anyone want to shed a little light?

It's making my random highway adventure quite annoying.. The shake isn't so bad at around 115, I was just trying to see when it went away - if it did - 120 is golden, but speeding tickets suck so it's either 85 or 120..

Any input would be greatly appreciated.. =)

Higher Speed Chattering.. ? - 02_svt_guy - 04-29-2007

1# unlock steering wheel
2# put veh in air
3# check for play in wheel asy (grab top of wheel and bottom wheel)
4# same as before just grab left to right (It will feel like a loose wheel if there is a prob)
5# run hands on all 4 tire look for uneven wear/wavy wear
6# if that isnt the prob get tires balanced/roadforced/reindexed

good luck

Higher Speed Chattering.. ? - bluetoy - 04-29-2007

Get your tires balanced.

Higher Speed Chattering.. ? - 02_svt_guy - 04-29-2007

Or if there toast buy new 1's