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Iacocca Reflects On Chrysler Downfall, Merger - Frost__2001 - 04-13-2007

Iacocca reflects on Chrysler downfall, merger, possible sale
Source: Leftlane News.

Former Ford president and Chrysler chairman Lee Iacocca discusses the "sad state of leadership" in the United States today — and within the American auto industry — in a book titled "Where Have All the Leaders Gone?"

Iacocca is highly critical of the merger between Daimler-Benz and Chrysler, which he feels has lead to Chrysler's troubled position today.

"I'll always believe that if I hadn't chosen Bob Eaton to succeed me as chief executive at Chrysler, it would still be a strong, profitable, American car company," Iacocca writes. He blames Eaton and Juergen Schrempp, the former head of Daimler-Benz for the ill-conceived marriage.

Iacocca describes the moment he found out about the merger in 1998 as "the lowest low" of his life. "I gave 15 years of my life to saving that company and now I wondered if it was worth it."

On the other hand, he has concerns about the possible sale of Chrysler. If the company "is kicked to the curb, it will be as a shattered remnant of the great American car company it once was."

Iacocca's criticisms go beyond the auto industry, with harsh critiques of today's politicians and their lack of leadership.

"We've got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, we've got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and we can't even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car," Iacocca writes.

Iacocca Reflects On Chrysler Downfall, Merger - darkpuppet - 04-14-2007

"Vote for Iacocca" shirts in the works!

Iacocca Reflects On Chrysler Downfall, Merger - Drivesthebeast - 04-15-2007

Yeah, though I don't own and haven't owned anything made by the Chrysler Group, I still feel bad for them...They honestly have some competitive and nice products out there now, and who knows if that will continue once Daimler-Benz pulls the cash cord out of them...

Iacocca Reflects On Chrysler Downfall, Merger - darkpuppet - 04-16-2007

Drivesthebeast,Apr 14 2007, 12:39 PM Wrote:Yeah, though I don't own and haven't owned anything made by the Chrysler Group, I still feel bad for them...They honestly have some competitive and nice products out there now, and who knows if that will continue once Daimler-Benz pulls the cash cord out of them...

I think that half of Chrysler's problem is that they have a product lineup of mostly Guy Cars™.

in a market where 90% of car purchases are influenced by women, cars like the magnum* are having a tough go at finding their target demographics.

* I've yet to find a woman who likes the magnum... common complaints are too-low visibility outwards, and size...

Iacocca Reflects On Chrysler Downfall, Merger - Frost__2001 - 04-16-2007

darkpuppet,Apr 15 2007, 12:36 PM Wrote:
Drivesthebeast,Apr 14 2007, 12:39 PM Wrote:Yeah, though I don't own and haven't owned anything made by the Chrysler Group, I still feel bad for them...They honestly have some competitive and nice products out there now, and who knows if that will continue once Daimler-Benz pulls the cash cord out of them...

I think that half of Chrysler's problem is that they have a product lineup of mostly Guy Cars™.

in a market where 90% of car purchases are influenced by women, cars like the magnum* are having a tough go at finding their target demographics.

* I've yet to find a woman who likes the magnum... common complaints are too-low visibility outwards, and size...

That's more then Typical from a lot of people, almost all Chrysler's Cars are hard to see out off, minus the SUV's & Minivans, however anyone who buys a Chrysler really pays for it as the resale value is killer on their car line up.

Iacocca Reflects On Chrysler Downfall, Merger - NOS2Go4Me - 04-17-2007

We've got a Caliber as a rental. Their CVT is a real confuser when you're driving... it always seems to waffle through the rev range as it tries to simulate gear ratios I suppose.

I'll throw up a "review" of it after we get back from our road trip this weekend.

Iacocca Reflects On Chrysler Downfall, Merger - Frost__2001 - 04-17-2007

NOS2Go4Me,Apr 16 2007, 05:14 PM Wrote:We've got a Caliber as a rental. Their CVT is a real confuser when you're driving... it always seems to waffle through the rev range as it tries to simulate gear ratios I suppose.

I'll throw up a "review" of it after we get back from our road trip this weekend.

there's one here on this linky they were not impressed with the CVT either, or all the hard cheap looking plastics of the interior, then again they said that about almost all the new Chryslers they have test driven on their show, and I have to agree with them after going to the Toronto Auto Show this year and sitting in a few Jeeps & Chrysler cars.