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Goodbye...for Now. - residentdud - 02-16-2007

Hello everyone, or should I be saying goodbye?

Well...I received a call this morning from the military with a job offer. I applied for Armoured Soldier/Crewman and now it's become a reality. I'll be leaving on the 24th of Febuary en route to St.Jean, Quebec for my basic. I know a few people here are in the Canadian Armed Forces, and would like to hear some stories about CFLRS. All the stories I've heard so far have been pretty brutal. LOL

I had a good run as an Electrician, but the need to help others has reached it's peak. I've applied over and over again for a position with Toronto Fire and Toronto EMS with no luck ( not to mention wasting time in school for these fields ) and now it looks like my dreams are coming true.

I'll be part of the Royal Canadian Dragoons in Petawawa, Ont. when all is said and done. I can't wait to experience the pros and cons of this venture and the bonds with the people I will be working with. I'm very excited and have been preparing for this for quite some time, mentally and physically.

Take care people and thanks.


Goodbye...for Now. - meford4u - 02-16-2007

Best of luck.

Your doing an honorable and worthy service to this country.

We all thank and salute you.

Goodbye...for Now. - tippmann - 02-16-2007

best of luck to you man.

good to hear your doing something that you would like to do in helping people..

Goodbye...for Now. - Frost__2001 - 02-16-2007

Congrats Darrel, so are you keeping the Focus ?

Goodbye...for Now. - ZTWsquared - 02-16-2007

meford4u,Feb 15 2007, 07:14 PM Wrote:Best of luck.

Your doing an honorable and worthy service to this country.

We all thank and salute you.

x2 - and I hope you have the chance to drop in once in a while and let us know how you're doing.

And if you can't ... instead of saying goodbye, why don't we make it au revoir.


Goodbye...for Now. - Focus man. Focus. - 02-16-2007

All the best my friend. Hoping you all the good fortune and wishes of a happy return. You have the backing of a nation and the love of a bunch of guys that drive Foci wishing you a good tour and a safe return.


Goodbye...for Now. - NefCanuck - 02-16-2007

All the best and don't be a stranger if you can ;)


Goodbye...for Now. - habmann - 02-16-2007

Best of luck to ya.

Feel free to drop by and let us know how things are going for you.

Goodbye...for Now. - dlb - 02-16-2007

In my 23rd yr man .......... When I joined (1984 :o ) basic trg was in Cornwallis NS - and believe me the times have changed :lol: The instructors were much more hard-core and demanding as compared to today !! All I can say is work hard and don't take it personally. They'll try to put you under a fair amount of stress and BS - just play the game and you'll be OK.

Petawawa is not the best place for a single guy but Ottawa is only a couple of hrs down the road. I'm with the Engineers, specifically Geomatics and mapping/terrain analysis. Good luck !!

Goodbye...for Now. - residentdud - 02-16-2007

Thanks you guys...and yes, the focus is coming with me. For the first four months she'll just be sitting, so I guess I'll have to pull the battery cables off.

They offered to store all my stuff for free, should I? Has anyone taken advantage of this?

Goodbye...for Now. - NOS2Go4Me - 02-16-2007

You're brave, very brave. Given the way the world is "evolving" of late, I'm not sure I could do the same.

I've had first-hand recountings of basic at St Jean from friends... it's all about weeding out the weak-minded from the strong-willed. Be tough and you'll be fine.

Good luck man.

Goodbye...for Now. - OAC_Sparky - 02-16-2007

Best of luck, stay safe. :)