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Your Amount Of Tickets - NikiterZTS - 08-09-2006

so i was just wondering who has how many tickets from the beggining when they got their drivers lisence..maybe we can hear some stories or something like that...

im close to have my lisence for 5 years and got pulled over only ones( not even pulled over, stopped at the riding programe) happend like 3 or so months ago
its 1:30 am
at that time i just got out of the bar and had 6 beers and 2 shots of i know its wrong to drink and drive but anyways somehow alot of us always think we r ok to drive... anyways i was just gettin on the highway and here they are standing on the ramp...couldn't even see them just cuz ramp goes down on the angle....i got stopped and been asked why don't i have a front lisence plate(it got stollen 4 weeks before i got pulled over at the ramp, at another bar)....i told the cop really quickly that it got stollen a week ago and that i had no time to go and get a new one...."ok" he says....."pull over" pulling over: "freackin copper"......blablablah let me see your insuarence and where r u comming from? me: "i was at my friend's get together thing"....passing him my insuarence and all that crap... while i was doing that he asks "how much did u drink?" dang....fool smelled it on me...."um 1 beer sit, but i got my G so i should be ok".....him:"follow me to the cruiser we r gonna do breathalyzer " i was thinkin yea, there goes my lisence, no way im gonna pass that, 6 beers and 2 shots under 2 hours that a fail right first i remembered that penny trick,F*&* it ,it won't i started pretty much praying...cop showed me what to i figured if i block some air flow with my toung not as much alcohole should go took me 7 tries to blow that thing cuz and the cop was gettin annoyed....believe it or not i pass with an Alert....i was suprised......but while i was blowing that stupid thing he was checkin my insuarence....he looked it up and it was expired for 7 days...dang.....i didn't know...cuz its under my paps name......and here he started to check when i called cops about my lisence plate......he says:"4 and half weeks ago eh""uum i donno, i only drove this car for a week"....thats it i thought i was gettin nailed .....
but the cop was cool he only gave me a ticket for expired insuarence which was $65, suspended my lisence for 12 hours and took my car for a night....i agreed with everything just so i don't get the morning it cost me $190 to get my car back out of the lot.....
but over all i got really lucky and obviosly reither pay all these small ammounts of money just so i keep my lisence...
so that was my only ticket

Your Amount Of Tickets - microbunny - 08-09-2006

I've had 2 tickets//

both for speeding..

paid em both..

thats all..

over 6 years driving!

Your Amount Of Tickets - ANTHONYD - 08-09-2006

About 6 in total.

All of them were YEARS ago. Highschool.

All clear now.

*knock wood*

Your Amount Of Tickets - scoobasteve - 08-09-2006

1xExhaust ticket (Fought and won)
1xFailure to Yield Ticket - (BS)
1xSpeeding Ticket 129/100 - 3 points... meh

6 years of driving.

PS. i wouldnt talk about drinking and driving on this board. A well known member has lost part of their family to drinking and driving. so that might get you a ban...

Your Amount Of Tickets - NikiterZTS - 08-09-2006

^^^ believe me it tought me a lesson.....never sat behind the wheel under the way i quite drinking somethin got into me

Your Amount Of Tickets - nass - 08-09-2006

10 years worth of driving

0 - speeding
1 - failure to stop at a red light ( like scooba said BS )
2 - headlight covers ( 1 was just the black ones, the other was when I painted and cut out holes for the lights and reflectors as per the HTA. They took them away and I never paid the ticket. )

Your Amount Of Tickets - NefCanuck - 08-09-2006

Clean since I've been behind the wheel in '93. Closest I ever came to a ticket was a year ago when I nearly got nailed by a cop for failing to stop for open trolley car doors in Toronto (I would have fought it because that moron TTC driver let the rear doors open after I was already past the rear set with my front bumper and I had two eye witnesses in the car :rolleyes: )


Your Amount Of Tickets - torradan - 08-09-2006

Lets see.. 16 years with my license...

Going to say.. hmm... 3-4 speeding tickets, no biggy.. all reduced if I went to school.. so sat through 6 hours of boredom and paid The Man.

Had a light out once.. got it fixed 10 minutes later, went to state police barracks, and saw it was fixed, gave them the receipt, and they threw it away.

Then I was clean for a good 10 years (not even a parking ticket).. then 2 months ago, 1 mile from the border, cop nailed me for 75 in a 55mph zone (RIGHT AT THE ZONE WHEN IT WENT FROM 65 TO 55.. bastard!). Was passing a car carrier truck w/ no cars and it was windy.. so wanted to be away from him.

Saw my record was pretty spotless, gave me a ticket for "obstructed license plate".. because of my Sabres trim thing. Must be a Leafs fan or something, could have just said to hell with it. $70 fine for that one ($35 fine, $35 "service charge"). Needs to be paid by Thursday. heh.. which is payday. I hope they're open late that day!

Never got a ticket for anything else, not even a parking ticket.

Still have yet to get one in Canada, but the way I drive anymore on the QEW and 407 specifically... I'm about due. (like 20-30 over if no one on the road.) Gotta make up the future lost time sitting on the parking lot known as the 401.

I *almost* got a ticket for public drunkeness if that counts for anything? Was walking home from the pub (like 3am). I was being a good citizen, and decided there was no way in hell I could drive. I'll leave my car, and walk the 1/2 mile home. Cop stopped and started hassling me. Asked where I was coming from, asked if I knew being drunk in public was illegal, etc. Then he asks where my car was. Tell him, I'm too drunk to drive, so I thought I'd walk home, and come get my car after I've slept it off and sobered up. I guess after he figured I was being responsible and he couldn't bust me, he turned off dickhead mode and gave me a ride home.

Your Amount Of Tickets - NikiterZTS - 08-09-2006

I *almost* got a ticket for public drunkeness if that counts for anything?

i remember my buddy got 2 tickets in the period of 20 mins for drinkin in the same cop lol.....first ticket was $125.....second one was a lil bit higher since he didn't learne his lesson, which was was $500.......all together $625, those 2 beers turned out to be expensive for him :)

Your Amount Of Tickets - schade - 08-09-2006

3 speeding tickets: 102 in a 80, 63 in a 50 and 95 in a 80

1 ticket for no front plate

Your Amount Of Tickets - NikiterZTS - 08-09-2006

schade,Aug 8 2006, 06:45 PM Wrote:3 speeding tickets: 102 in a 80, 63 in a 50 and 95 in a 80

1 ticket for no front plate

how much was your ticket for no front plate?

Your Amount Of Tickets - Frost__2001 - 08-09-2006

I guess I've been lucky:

On the Books Still:

1 Ticket ( march this year In Kitchener ) - Not having my Papers ( insurance / ownership ) in the car, I got pulled over because the cop was bored. - Paid it

1 Ticket ( March this year In Brampton ) - Having Too Dark Of a Window Tint, I'm going to court over this in Nov this year, Total B/S ticket, I stoped at the stop sign and the cop followed me for 2.5 kms and then pulled me over there is a rant all about this ticket here on the site can't remember what form.

1 Ticket ( Febuary last year ) Was doing 128 km/ph on the 403 trying to get to the Immergration office faster with my sister in the car as she was telling me to flour it there. Paid it.

Off the books

1 speeding ticket (sept 2001) in Alberta Total B/S ticket as there was a car tailgating me in the slow lane then I sped up to get him off me and then he turns off his lights and so happends I get pulled over by the RCMP. Cheap ticket and paid

1 Speeding ticket in MN (sept 2001) was going umm 95 in a 75 MPH zone cop was suprised how nice I was for a Canadian, and gave me a reduced ticket.

2 more speeding tickets ( both in dec of 2001 ) pled guilty and reduced the fine, Paid

1 for speeding in (feb of 2002) I over took a transport truck and got pulled over for this one - pled it down and paid the reduced fine.

1 for not stoping at a stop sign in oct 2002 there was building materials blocking the view of the sign - went to court with a photo and it was tossed out.

1 for failing to yeld to a cop (july 2004) - Total B/S ticket as the one cop had a truck pulled over and the other cop was blocking the only other lane in that direction and I more or less made him move so I could go to work - Took it to Court and the cop never showed up so it was tossed out.

Ofcourse I have smartened up since 2003 and well I'm actually a really calm driver now, and I've gone 11 years worth of driving from a G1

Your Amount Of Tickets - castone - 08-09-2006

got my first speeding ticket in guelph last week
after driving for almost 13 years now
the cop was a real piece of s--t
he didnt know exactly how fast i was going he only saw the second number
what he said was a 9
could of been 49 - 59 - 69 who knows he said
the money is no big deal i just dont want to loose points
and pay more insurance
thinking of fighting it just dont know how

Your Amount Of Tickets - nass - 08-09-2006

castone,Aug 9 2006, 12:47 AM Wrote:got my first speeding ticket in guelph last week
after driving for almost 13 years now
the cop was a real piece of s--t
he didnt know exactly how fast i was going he only saw the second number
what he said was a 9
could of been 49 - 59 - 69 who knows he said
the money is no big deal i just dont want to loose points
and pay more insurance
thinking of fighting it just dont know how

You can pay those "ticket fighters" to do it for you or just talk to the crown they might let you off since it is your first time and what the cop said.

Your Amount Of Tickets - NikiterZTS - 08-09-2006

nass,Aug 8 2006, 08:47 PM Wrote:
castone,Aug 9 2006, 12:47 AM Wrote:got my first speeding ticket in guelph last week
after driving for almost 13 years now
the cop was a real piece of s--t
he didnt know exactly how fast i was going he only saw the second number
what he said was a 9
could of been 49 - 59 - 69 who knows he said
the money is no big deal i just dont want to loose points
and pay more insurance
thinking of fighting it just dont know how

You can pay those "ticket fighters" to do it for you or just talk to the crown they might let you off since it is your first time and what the cop said.

yea looks like ur gonna get that one off for sure brotha

Your Amount Of Tickets - redsvtfocus - 08-09-2006

i just got 2 tickets "no front plate " $125
and ownership or that thing not signed ..$125..
i think I can get away with both if i show the crown pics of the plate on and the ownership signed right??

also one for speeding last year...and in the states, 4 for speeding..damn.....those lawyers made money off me...

Your Amount Of Tickets - residentdud - 08-09-2006

2002- hitting parked police car (totalled focus) Careless Driving- 6 points $590 fine
2003- speeding 74km/h in a 40km/h zone (focus)- $90
2005- speeding 92km/h in a 50km/h zone (service truck)-$90
2005- not at fault- collision with my service truck (totalled)-nothing
2006 last week actually...QPP 134km/h in a 100km/h zone $200-3points

I've had my liscence since i was 16 so....10 years...not so bad

Stay tuned!

Your Amount Of Tickets - focusracer - 08-09-2006

First off, no I'm not proud of the following story, I think a lot of you know my stand on street racing etc. this is only one very small reason for my stance on that topic.

13 yrs ago. Excessive speed, dangerous driving, noise violation, causing a police pursuit, public endangerment - Total ticket value -$940. Speed was a clocked 263 Km/h is a 60km zone. Points value to renew license 2yrs later $1250.
- Vehicle was my 1st, 1976 Ford F100 that I put a fully built 460 with a turbo 400 tranny, it ran 465 hp on a dyno at the wheels, ran an 11.22 1/4 mile. I was on 0 ave here in Abbotsford at 130 in the am, just got the truck insured, fully inspected etc. wanted to see what it would do. I swear to this day that the cop was sleeping and I woke him up when I went by, what else he would be doing in that area at 130am on a friday night is beyond me, hence the noise violation. The police pursuit thing, didn't see him, I had no windshield rearview and my mirrors were shaking a lot and I was going hella fast so I was watching the road, he caught up to me when I was doing like 70k, if I was really trying to get away do you think I would have slowed down?? That was when I saw him and pulled over wondering when he clocked me. Boy was he pissed. I was 17, had my license for a year, lost it for a month. Truck was towed.
Total dollars paid out for that night of foolishness -
Ticket $940
Points $1250
Towing charge $125
Impound fee $250 it was there for 10 days @ $25/day
Grand total - $2565+7%gst =2758.06 plus court fees which I don't recall cost of.

Went to court due to the police pursuit, dangerous driving and public endangerment being criminal charges. I told the judge my story, he dropped those charges and told me to never "race" on the streets again and that he wanted to see me at the drag strip the next weekend, turns out he was an avid racer with 64 Corvette, went head to head and got my ass handed to me, he ended up teaching me how to race. (Ever think that would happen these days?) Still see him at the strip from time to time.

Over the yrs a couple seatbelt violations, paid, an HOV lane violation which was bs (changed lanes to avoid a collision and got nailed for it) had to pay it to renew my insurance last month.

Never another speeding ticket, although I do speed moderately on occasion, no excuse I just do, but have slowed down remarkably since starting to grow up after losing a friend on his bike 5 yrs ago.

Your Amount Of Tickets - NikiterZTS - 08-09-2006

residentdud,Aug 8 2006, 09:08 PM Wrote:2002- hitting parked police car (totalled focus) Careless Driving- 6 points $590 fine


i would pay to see the look on the officer's face

Your Amount Of Tickets - Focus man. Focus. - 08-09-2006

Well lets ee. I have been driving for 14 years now and I have had a total of 4 tickets.

The 1st one was whe I first got my licence and I was pulled over for 64 in a 50. $42.50 paid in full.

The 2nd was a wreckless driving charge. I rear ended a mini van in front of the OPP station in Burks Falls in January. It took the cops 45 minutes to show up. LOL. I fought the ticket and it was reduced to a following to close but I had to give up 3 points.

3rd was a speeding in Tweed. Just coming into town the limit dropped from 80 to 50 and I was still going 85. Court was in Belleville and I couldn't make it. $95 ticket paid in full.

My last ticket was 2 years ago. It was a speeding ticket going to the cottage. It was at night entering a construction zone. the limit dropped from 90 to 80kmh and I was going 105. The cop was nice and gave me the minimum fine. I think it was $50.00 or something like that.

As for drinking and driving. I think that is silly. I am sure we have all had a drink and gotten behind the wheel. I have. But now I have a little girl I wanna be around to see her grow up. I will never drink and drive. Taxi's and Transit are the way to go.

Thats all.