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Forza Motorsport 2
Looks like it's going to be a pretty sweet game. Very realistic...

Trailer Here: Forza Motorsport

^-- There is a US Army ad before the trailer of course :rolleyes:
Looks promising... but to me, the Forza series will never meet Gran Turismo quality. It's too bad the XBOX has the shaft there.
'14 Escape 2.0t
2012 5dr Ti : Traded
i'm waiting for this game, i liked the old one and can't wait for this one
'03 Focus SVT
itll be good for sure, but wont have the replay value of the GT series... Too bad about the delay though, I was looking forward to a Nov 7, release (2day after my bday, so there woulda been no excuse for the gf not to buy it for me) hehe

I Vtec
I wish these games would come to the PC. But GTR/GT Legends/GTR2 all do me fine. There's a big modding scene for them so there's always new stuff for them.

I think that's one advantage to PC games. Downside is the expensive computers required.
Silver '05 Saabaru 9-2X Aero

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