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Something Tells Me That The Cop's Are In On This
I'm a kijiji and craiglist troller lol, came across this ad and it has Metro Police written all over it lol..............They're even giving away a 1st prize.

Something tells me 1st prize is a ride on a back of a tow-truck lol.

Now we all know the trouble "associated" when another segment of the Fast & Furious franchise premiers another movie in Toronto. Idiots come out of the wood-work and try to become Vin Diesel/Paul Walker wannabe's. :blink:

To me this is a "popcorn" movie which I admit I like. Myself & Maria will be taking her car to see the premier because from the shinanigans I've seen in the past , the police will be casing the movie theaters this saturday when the premier opens, and I really dont have the time to explain to Mr.Officer that my car is NOT a civic but a focus hatchback lol. B)

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Something Tells Me That The Cop's Are In On This - Dimitri - 03-31-2009, 06:07 AM

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